Her singles are usually good, but her albums are trashhh and very forgettable. Her songs are also aging bad to me. I listened to “we found love” yesterday and I had to turn that annoying s*** off
that doesn't mean a horrible discography tho
still has classics for days. people only really tune in for singles its always been that way
i mean basically
What an idiot you are.
if u wanna listen to rihanna doing karaoke of other peoples sound while she adds nothing to it herself thats ur business
if u wanna listen to rihanna doing karaoke of other peoples sound while she adds nothing to it herself thats ur business
Acting like rihanna doesnt have a great voice
Acting like rihanna doesnt have a great voice
great is a big f***ing reach lmbo
Acting like rihanna doesnt have a great voice
She really doesn’t, her voice is bad. Especially live lol
so random
f*** em
she was always a singles artist up until her last album. She still has over a dozen number one hits and could retire right now as a legend