  • Such a good song

  • Slingshot šŸ¦š
    Mar 4

    She was so sexy to me back then.
    Little did I know Iā€™d grow up to be a man w**** and those types would end up being trash

    she still the baddest woman breathing f*** all that

  • Mar 4
    BlueChew Sean

    Classic 9gag era post

    Well too big will leave her in tears so she has a point there might even say point so grand it's a point G spot on

  • BLACK ā˜­
    Mar 4

    prolly her best video

  • SyIIabIes

    She was so sexy to me back then.
    Little did I know Iā€™d grow up to be a man w**** and those types would end up being trash

    normal comment

  • gimme a hug šŸ’ž
    Mar 4

    Classic, great thread.