  • Feb 17, 2021
    1 reply

    yeah something wrong about Elon Musk being able to spend a mil a day for like 166 years and not feel it but some people can't even get food

    idk what's gonna happen tho

  • Feb 17, 2021
    1 reply


  • Feb 17, 2021

    sorry if that came off aggressive didn't mean it that way but I understand aint no reason to have all that money and flex

    nah I know
    also ftr liquid is the wrong word that means the money is available

    its just that these people have that money tied up in assets because those assets generate more wealth for them than having it liquidated
    like Bezos doesnt need to own amazon stock and hes not limited because he does. if he wanted that money he could get a lot of it quickly - he keeps it there because it compounds faster

  • Feb 17, 2021

    I mean that’s why you’ll never be a billionaire.

    I won’t either.

    They are built different than you and I. Especially modern ones, ones who built businesses from the ground up. They don’t think the way normal people do.

    yea fr
    idk it would be cool to generate a solid amount of money (like $10-100m) with a small company that you sell on to a big corporation and then giving that away

    a billionaire in that situation though is just gonna reinvest and s***

  • Feb 17, 2021
    1 reply

    this is the stupidest argument in the world

    people work 80 hours to put food on the table for their kids and im meant to just believe that billionaires work harder than everyone else

    thats class a bullshit you get to be a billionaire by either wild luck through inheritance or abandoning morals, working hard and getting lucky as s***

  • 6isco 🦈
    Feb 17, 2021


  • Feb 17, 2021
    3 replies

    Yes Kanye West is lucky obviously
    What kind of a dumbass statement is that
    He also worked hard and exploited some little Chinese kids but he’s also lucky
    There’s hundreds of thousands of people trying to make it like Kanye did who never will get that first look to even start that off

  • Feb 17, 2021

    What do people not understand about life not being fair? It’s pretty simple

  • Feb 17, 2021

    Rocky won

  • Feb 17, 2021

    well no album time to live like a queen n buy Barbados

  • FREE 💜
    Feb 17, 2021
    1 reply
  • Feb 17, 2021


    time to abolish rihanna

  • JayS 🦄
    Feb 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Always some luck involved. I would never say that it is main attribute to why these people are billionaires.

  • Cody

    that actually seems like a really low amount
    f*** it I just gotta get famous for a while first then go into liquor, clothing, or makeup

    If you encountered a random person every single minute with no repeats, it would take you almost 5 years to meet a billionaire

  • Feb 17, 2021
    Weekend KaTeezy

    yeah something wrong about Elon Musk being able to spend a mil a day for like 166 years and not feel it but some people can't even get food

    idk what's gonna happen tho

  • Feb 17, 2021


    easy money, no reason for music anymore, unless she wants more money

  • Feb 17, 2021

    Rich just getting richer

  • FREE 💜
    Feb 17, 2021

    Socialist ruined the thread

  • Feb 17, 2021


    time to abolish rihanna

  • he's still lucky. not everyone with all those attributes runs into the opportunities he did. I love Kanye but hard work and ambition and creativity only rarely result in the success he's had. Luck/ chance is a factor in all of our lives no matter where we are.
