All jokes aside, that site had so much potential. It had all the features y’all keep asking for on here.
They had gif avis , PMs, Gif searcher, Auto embeds, Search bar for threads, Most liked posts list.
On top of that, they were actually gonna do s*** to help promote creative sxn artists
I’m not bashing KTT2 or anyone hard work here, I’m just sayin those guys had sum special.
The site looked like s***
i didnt post much there but i liked the site, it had nice features + potential
Y’all were doing one post a day
S*** was damn near a mailbox
let’s be honest it didn’t have enough of a user base to have all this “potential” y’all talking about
gif avys were fun to look at and yeah it had some user friendly features, but that s*** was too small an offshoot with not enough resources to expand to last
damn y’all niggas some haters
it’s a love hate thing
a lot of us fw him but clown him too
it’s weird. i can’t stop
I should have been on it more tbh.
S*** was nice like actual good funny discussion
I didn’t mind that it wasn’t that active, it just made me less active in return
it’s a love hate thing
a lot of us fw him but clown him too
it’s weird. i can’t stop
This is some weirdo s***
Hope DavidP is doing good
Him and Tyler
an inspiration to bozos everywhere
What did David p**** do to you cowboy
Alt right version of the already alt right KTT was never gonna work out
Wtf? the f*** are you talking about