The second song on two of the greatest albums ever created. The most lit mosh pit carti songs (imo). Which one is better? Which one do you prefer?
i have to pick RIP. that song belongs in a museum. f\*\*\* that mumbling s\*\*\*.
stop breathing and its not close
is takin oxygen from the hoes considered dv ?
went back to RIP the day WLR dropped and it sounded like baby fun time
when die lit came out my first reaction was "this is short bus music"
thats not a diss btw
when die lit came out my first reaction was "this is short bus music"
thats not a diss btw
I’m glad you put it into words, lol
Sometimes music sounds so ed with the energy it gives, but it just gets you that much more hyped
it's stupid close
Stop Breathing for sure
RIP is mastered too quiet, im not even someone who normally cares about mixing s*** but that always bothered me
Stop Breathing for sure
RIP is mastered too quiet, im not even someone who normally cares about mixing s*** but that always bothered me
he speaking hïëřøģľýpĥįç§
OP you made the exact same thread 2 years ago