I think ive come across a scary realization:
The stereotypical American Karen, has the last laugh
COVID made it worse, but almost every institution in this country has had their quality of service fall through the f***in floor
Hospitals, resteraunts, schools, government offices, housing, public servants, all that s***. Everytime you need to get an answer from someone it feels like you have to f***ing pry a gold doubloon out of davy jones locker. It feels like pulling teeth trying to get s*** done.
My mother used to be a firecracker, but shes chilled out as shes aged. Calling health insurance for our grandma has caused her to go back to her old ways like Stinkmeaner
Only then will you get a valuable response. So now the question is: did Karens win in a post-COVID society?
If you cant beat em…
I pray you find a job
Nah getting a job is easy but it’s gotta be the right one. 👌🏾
I dont see why being rude and abrasive will somehow make your quality of service better
I dont see why being rude and abrasive will somehow make your quality of service better
Because often times the alternative is a multiple call goose chase over and over again when time is of the essence.
Being rude and abrasive gets results unfortunately
Because often times the alternative is a multiple call goose chase over and over again when time is of the essence.
Being rude and abrasive gets results unfortunately
I disagree immensely. Work on your social skills nerd
I disagree immensely. Work on your social skills nerd
I may be a nerd, but disagreeing is simply choosing to ignore the situation.
No social skills besides intimidation will get the ball rolling. Asking nice and cordial just makes it easy to ignore you
I may be a nerd, but disagreeing is simply choosing to ignore the situation.
No social skills besides intimidation will get the ball rolling. Asking nice and cordial just makes it easy to ignore you
Damn b, i haven't witnessed a brain this smooth in ages.
It's difficult for society and people to go back to "normal" after a nearly 2 year hiatus. Karens did nothing but contribute to how bad it was
@op yea my mom's on a similar wave. but like u said, she gets s*** done yk
she's always like "I'm from the bronx this is just how I am" lol
2 b clear tho that doesn't mean freaking out on sone viral karen video s***, just like being assertive and on some "lets get down to business" type sht
I may be a nerd, but disagreeing is simply choosing to ignore the situation.
No social skills besides intimidation will get the ball rolling. Asking nice and cordial just makes it easy to ignore you
man thinks he is tony soprano
“Karens” do what they do out of entitlement and lack of empathy which isn’t a positive thing. In fact service quality has been affected in a large part because people would rather quit instead of being disrespected by these type of people.
Do you have to be assertive in certain situations, absolutely, but realize it’s still a human being you’re talking to, albeit one that’s f***ing around. Issa balance
Nah you’re a clown. Being confident and assertive isn’t a Karen btw it’s just a confident person.
Nah you’re a clown. Being confident and assertive isn’t a Karen btw it’s just a confident person.
assertive is the type of word a Karen would use...
Some employees deserve it, like the ones who be stingy with your portions at chipotle, or the customer service reps who act like the company’s money is their money
You on to something OP I swear to god if you nicely ask someone where something is located at Home Depot or any store they die inside. You really gotta push them to do their job Lmao
I may be a nerd, but disagreeing is simply choosing to ignore the situation.
No social skills besides intimidation will get the ball rolling. Asking nice and cordial just makes it easy to ignore you
U bout to get a lot of spit in your food bro
you ever think maybe the amount of people who treat customer service workers like s*** (amongst many other things) leads to the workers having low morale which leads to lesser quality work?