  • Jan 22
    1 reply

    Thank you for reminding me to watch this. Been had it on my list

    Wow bro you really should, everybody i’ve shown it loves this film pretty much it’s so creative and fun

    Instant classic when you watch it the first time trusssss me

  • Jan 22
    1 reply

    Everything everywhere

    All overrated

    Everything Everywhere worst movie of the decade

  • this is not an alt

    Everything Everywhere worst movie of the decade

    it was some garbage for sure. marvel movie for indie adults.

  • Jan 22

    Best A24 movies:

    Good Time
    Ex Machina (I gotta rewatch. Uncut Gems might be better.)

    Biggest surprise about Uncut Gems was that the Safdies were actually good

  • earthwalka

    what was your list

    I think
    Uncut Gems
    Once upon in Hollywood
    Corpus Christi
    Birds of passage
    Portrait of a lady on fire
    Honey boy
    Ash is purest white
    Last black man in SF
    The farewell

  • Everest

    Like many I’m excited for him to eventually push the boat out a bit

    But Nosferatu/Werwulf as a little pair in the middle of filmog will be goat.

    Some goat sleep material

  • a WURWILF??

  • FlyHiii

    Wow bro you really should, everybody i’ve shown it loves this film pretty much it’s so creative and fun

    Instant classic when you watch it the first time trusssss me

    It’s a classic film. Doesn’t get talked about enough when people mention DeNiro films

  • Jan 25
  • Ava

    We are in desperate need of a good werewolf movie

    no seriously

  • Purrp 🌚
    Jan 25

    Don’t really want Eggers to become the guy that just does classic monster movies. What’s next? Mummy movie?

    Imma be totally real an Eggers Frankenstein faithful to the actual novel would be kinda fire

    But also mega agree even this is kinda corny. You just did vampires and now you’re doing werwulf’s? Just a lil on the nose idk

  • Purrp 🌚
    Jan 25

    Was thinking yesterday bout how an Eggers noir movie would be great. He only wants to do period pieces so that would work given we’re like 100 ish years removed. No cell phones etc.

  • Jan 26
    2 replies

    A contemporary film is never happening:
    “The idea of having to photograph a car makes me ill,” he began. “And the idea of photographing a cellphone is just death. And to make a contemporary story you have to photograph a cellphone — it’s just how life is — so no.”

    I actually respect it cus I’m on the opposite end where doing folk tales and mythical s*** is literally no desire for me at all.

    Yeah it would be cool to see him do something out his comfort zone but not if his heart isn’t in it. Plus if Tarantino movies can be 95% revenge movies then Eggers should be able to do his period pieces over and over.

  • I think eggers can make a period film that's out of his comfort zone. Sooo much ground he can cover looking at the past... I wonder how far back and obscure he's going to go before his career is over

  • Jan 26
    1 reply
    Oscar Winner

    A contemporary film is never happening:
    “The idea of having to photograph a car makes me ill,” he began. “And the idea of photographing a cellphone is just death. And to make a contemporary story you have to photograph a cellphone — it’s just how life is — so no.”

    I actually respect it cus I’m on the opposite end where doing folk tales and mythical s*** is literally no desire for me at all.

    Yeah it would be cool to see him do something out his comfort zone but not if his heart isn’t in it. Plus if Tarantino movies can be 95% revenge movies then Eggers should be able to do his period pieces over and over.

    dude is 41, if he never makes anything contemporary he’s p****, bottom line

  • Jan 26
    2 replies
    Oscar Winner

    A contemporary film is never happening:
    “The idea of having to photograph a car makes me ill,” he began. “And the idea of photographing a cellphone is just death. And to make a contemporary story you have to photograph a cellphone — it’s just how life is — so no.”

    I actually respect it cus I’m on the opposite end where doing folk tales and mythical s*** is literally no desire for me at all.

    Yeah it would be cool to see him do something out his comfort zone but not if his heart isn’t in it. Plus if Tarantino movies can be 95% revenge movies then Eggers should be able to do his period pieces over and over.

    So what is the most current time period he would explore

  • I’m barking at the moon already.

  • Purrp 🌚
    Jan 26
    1 reply
    · edited

    So what is the most current time period he would explore

    Imo the 1900’s pre the 70’s (see the lighthouse)

    Like I said a few posts before. A noir film would be great and up his alley in my personal opinion

  • humey

    dude is 41, if he never makes anything contemporary he’s p****, bottom line

  • mjpplus

    So what is the most current time period he would explore

    That’s what I’m wondering

  • Feb 7
    1 reply


  • Jonz


  • Purrp

    Imo the 1900’s pre the 70’s (see the lighthouse)

    Like I said a few posts before. A noir film would be great and up his alley in my personal opinion

    This would be really hard

  • Ava

    We are in desperate need of a good werewolf movie

    Been wanting this for years now

  • which parts of Ginger Snaps we thinking he gonna swagjack for this