Frick it, im gon say it
She just looks like she can give good head
I mean, she's apparently Cuban or Puerto Rican so
Not sure whether I'm glad or sad that I'm not turned on by video game characters
NGL it's different when they are in motion. I wouldnt nut to one's like IG models, they usually just pique your interest to watch other things. If you know what IM sayin.
NGL it's different when they are in motion. I wouldnt nut to one's like IG models, they usually just pique your interest to watch other things. If you know what IM sayin.
The appetiser
Back to the game:
There are CCTV cameras and a CCTV mechanic where broken cameras allow you to get away with crimes easier.
Also, cops can ask you to surrender before shooting you.
A big problem with GTA V was the cop behavior. The birds and all animals in that game count as witnesses to your crimes, so that's why you got random stars out in the countryside
Back to the game:
There are CCTV cameras and a CCTV mechanic where broken cameras allow you to get away with crimes easier.
Also, cops can ask you to surrender before shooting you.
A big problem with GTA V was the cop behavior. The birds and all animals in that game count as witnesses to your crimes, so that's why you got random stars out in the countryside
Lmao at the last paragraph
Female kinda gives me an updated Catalina vibe. The white boy kinda worries me tho. Looks like the most boring protagonist ever, and not just because he’s white
God damn I would f*** her ngl
H**** off the alpha build
Female kinda gives me an updated Catalina vibe. The white boy kinda worries me tho. Looks like the most boring protagonist ever, and not just because he’s white
They need to make him interesting...he looks so generic. What's his personality? A hillbilly named Jason. I want him to be a hardcore meth-head or something.
They need to make him interesting...he looks so generic. What's his personality? A hillbilly named Jason. I want him to be a hardcore meth-head or something.
Might not even be his final model though lol
She looks better than every GTA 5 NPC tbh
2013 long gone brother
I mean, she's apparently Cuban or Puerto Rican so
if she cuban then yeah
glad to see my race getting some recognition
Might not even be his final model though lol
True. If you remember first GTA 5 trailer Franklin looked nothing like the finish.
Might not even be his final model though lol
Skinny meth-head white boy would be cool
I’m about to be obsessed with this roll out. Even if it’s a two year build up
TBH, the hacker could also say this to cover his ass, or to scam people so he can sell it again.