If I were a hacker I would only do it on stuff I can get away with and earn money on. Probably smarter to do a bunch of small gigs than one gig that gets lots of attention. IDK how fella expected to monetize this
idk hes going down in history for this s***
GOON is notorious for not knowing his s*** out of all things? he regularly backs his information up with technical explanations and sources because he works with international criminal/tax law
He's a hater, have him blocked too, one of the annoying users here.
Anyway, an extradition treaty just formalizes the extradition process. North Korea could send someone to the USA if they both agreed. The term "kidnapping" doesn't apply if the government just uses its right to arrest you. Being in a country without an extradition treaty doesn't mean you could never get sent abroad, it just means the process is harder.
Anyway, there are legitimate examples of kidnapping. The USA kidnapped a German citizen in Macedonia and sent him to Guantanamo (he was innocent all the time). Israel notoriously kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina. But it's not that common and nobody is gonna do it for the Rockstar hacker.
GOON is notorious for not knowing his s*** out of all things? he regularly backs his information up with technical explanations and sources because he works with international criminal/tax law
He's a hater, have him blocked too, one of the annoying users here.
Anyway, an extradition treaty just formalizes the extradition process. North Korea could send someone to the USA if they both agreed. The term "kidnapping" doesn't apply if the government just uses its right to arrest you. Being in a country without an extradition treaty doesn't mean you could never get sent abroad, it just means the process is harder.
Anyway, there are legitimate examples of kidnapping. The USA kidnapped a German citizen in Macedonia and sent him to Guantanamo (he was innocent all the time). Israel notoriously kidnapped Eichmann from Argentina. But it's not that common and nobody is gonna do it for the Rockstar hacker.
Cuba sent back a Green Scare fugitive to the U.S
Someone affiliated with the ALF
Y’all think they’ll make dlc this time?
Allegedly they will update the game all the time. Might not be traditional add-on stuff like Gay Tony but maybe a season pass type of thing?
Cuba sent back a Green Scare fugitive to the U.S
Someone affiliated with the ALF
Ironically Cuba and USA have an extradition treaty
Damn gta 6 leaked and gta online could be done for? This is what rockstar gets for making me talk dirty into the mic to NPC strippers during the lap dance for their phone numbers.
Damn gta 6 leaked and gta online could be done for? This is what rockstar gets for making me talk dirty into the mic to NPC strippers during the lap dance for their phone numbers.
I missed the feature ngl
I cannot wait to read the articles about internal reports at rockstar during this
Damn gta 6 leaked and gta online could be done for? This is what rockstar gets for making me talk dirty into the mic to NPC strippers during the lap dance for their phone numbers.
I remember there was a video of this that went viral when the game came out
I think it was some kid who got caught
I cannot wait to read the articles about internal reports at rockstar during this
Why does Jason have to be on paternal leave at this moment
I was kind of hoping there would be a small dense map like Yakuza 0 on steroids but this seems to be huge. Hope it won't have boring empty areas like in GTA V (that aren't useful for off-roading either)
Why does Jason have to be on paternal leave at this moment
He even said it himself lmfaooo this last week has been wild for gaming
I cant stop reading everything about this, more so about the situation over the leaks at this point
Allegedly they will update the game all the time. Might not be traditional add-on stuff like Gay Tony but maybe a season pass type of thing?
Hope so hope it just doesn’t stay the same for 9 years like V
Hope so hope it just doesn’t stay the same for 9 years like V
The rumor was that it would be updated like Fortnite
I was kind of hoping there would be a small dense map like Yakuza 0 on steroids but this seems to be huge. Hope it won't have boring empty areas like in GTA V (that aren't useful for off-roading either)
Gta v was developed for 8 year old hardware
It will be dense and vast and large