top reply
Dude gamers are so f***ing annoying, my God.
Dude gamers are so f***ing annoying, my God.
Rockstar needed a laugh after that
This is what Rockstar gets for never fixing GTA Online
Hope that whole source code leaks too, f*** em
This is what Rockstar gets for never fixing GTA Online
Hope that whole source code leaks too, f*** em
Also f*** everyone who said this is gonna cause a delay. That s*** changed absolutely nothing
Also f*** everyone who said this is gonna cause a delay. That s*** changed absolutely nothing
If source code leaked would cause a internal delay 100%
Now that it’s still not leaked. Doubt he has it in full. Will cause a workplace disruption for a week or two, but other than that back to normal
Confirming the leaks were actually real was probably the worst thing Rockstar could’ve done and they just did it
Anyone with more than 1 working brain cell could tell that the leaks were real the moment they were released
If source code leaked would cause a internal delay 100%
Now that it’s still not leaked. Doubt he has it in full. Will cause a workplace disruption for a week or two, but other than that back to normal
Idk how far it'll set everything back but source code would be bad
I don't want a half life 2 situation then we'll legit never see GTA 6
top reply
If source code leaked would cause a internal delay 100%
Now that it’s still not leaked. Doubt he has it in full. Will cause a workplace disruption for a week or two, but other than that back to normal
He was just talking and those source codes that he leaked are nothing important. Rockstar knows this. Their statement was perfect tbh
Confirming the leaks were actually real was probably the worst thing Rockstar could’ve done and they just did it
No, it’s not. They technically confirmed that the leaks were very early dev builds and also said that we’re going to see more soon. That’s the best case scenario for everyone
He was just talking and those source codes that he leaked are nothing important. Rockstar knows this. Their statement was perfect tbh
The source code he leaked was just 10k lines of code. Overall nothing as the game is probably tens or even hundreds of millions lines of code
S***s been confirmed by Jason schierer since yesterday. It wasn’t a secret it was real
Jason is just an insider whose job it is to literally chase the next big rumor/headline
That isn’t the same as if Rockstar themselves came out with an official statement
Real af
nah Rockstar Games goated fr
They are but these timetables are awful.
Can't argue with the result rdr2 is nothing less than a masterpiece, but the method to the madness gets a bit stale with the constant micro transactions
This kid has hacked uber samsung microsoft nvidia rockstar all from ages 16-18 wtf
Autistic genius.
Someone give this kid a job
This kid has hacked uber samsung microsoft nvidia rockstar all from ages 16-18 wtf
Autistic genius.
give the nerd the 'lectric chair