I feel like they could’ve done some sort of official announcement as a response to all this but it seems like they’re not ready to even do just that. I’m guessing late next year they will announce 2024, and then it will be delayed to 2025 hope I’m wrong but idk
They literally did a official announcement as a response to all this today and said they're showing us something real soon?
We're getting a trailer this year and it's dropping 2024. Just how its rumoured for the last 2 months
Delusional when some of y'all really thought they're releasing a full blown trailer 2 days after 90 videos leaked
Wonder what celeb cameos we’re gonna get with this one.
There’s a whole new generation of actors that literally grew up with GTA V alone since it dropped
The GTA VI source code leak has shown a vulnerability in SpaceX's "Starlink." This will allow hackers to access the satellites and broadcast dangerous 10G radioactive waves across the entire world.
Wonder what celeb cameos we’re gonna get with this one.
There’s a whole new generation of actors that literally grew up with GTA V alone since it dropped
tyler the creator again
Do you guys even understand that the ENTIRE MAINFRAME is compromised at this point. The GTA VI source code leak puts EVERY device with a microchip or processor at risk for severe hackage. If you actually understood what was going on right now you wouldn't be joking around. There's serious talks right right now of completely taking the internet OFFLINE indefinitely.... Yeah.
I AM NOT CRAZY! I am not crazy! I know Rockstar swapped those numbers, I knew it was GTA6! One after RDR2, as if I could ever make such a mistake! Never! Never! I just–I just couldn't prove it! They–they–they covered their tracks, they got that idiot at Bloomberg to lie for them. You think this is something? You think this is bad, this–this chicanery? They've done worse. That GTA Online! Are you telling me that a developer just happens to fall like that? No, they orchestrated it! The Housers! They defecated through a sunroof, and I saved them! I shouldn't have! I took their source code into my own firmware! What was I thinking? They'll never change. They'll never change! Ever since they were nine, always the same! Couldn't keep their hands out of the cash drawer! "But not our Rockstar! Couldn't be precious Rockstar" Stealing them blind! And they get to be a game developer?! What a sick joke! I should have stopped them when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop them
This kid has hacked uber samsung microsoft nvidia rockstar all from ages 16-18 wtf
Autistic genius.
considering the way theyve went about hacking some of these companies, highly doubt theyre autistic
Jason Schierer just confirmed. Game is scrapped and they starting from scratch. Including make a brand new engine
Current release window is 2045
tyler the creator again
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkOayIzbNAE i completely forgot about this
Love leaks like this. Rockstar won’t scrap s***. This is Rockstar we’re talking about.
Love leaks like this. Rockstar won’t scrap s***. This is Rockstar we’re talking about.
I don’t think you understand. 10k lines of source code leaked. 85% chance it’s delayed into the next decade.
Do you guys even understand that the ENTIRE MAINFRAME is compromised at this point. The GTA VI source code leak puts EVERY device with a microchip or processor at risk for severe hackage. If you actually understood what was going on right now you wouldn't be joking around. There's serious talks right right now of completely taking the internet OFFLINE indefinitely.... Yeah.
Avy to post off the charts
He mentioned the videos are from a 2019 build, is there any source to corroborate that? Metadata in original source files suggest its various clips from 2021-22
MVG one of the 🐐 youtube gaming creators
the graphics look like watch dogs 2
funny b/c its not even in pre-alpha stage
Rockstar is untouchable
One thing you can count on from gamers:
They're going to buy the game they complain about. Every single time.
Wonder what celeb cameos we’re gonna get with this one.
There’s a whole new generation of actors that literally grew up with GTA V alone since it dropped
Vice City is like Miami right?
We need Rick Ross
I don’t think you understand. 10k lines of source code leaked. 85% chance it’s delayed into the next decade.
They’ll release this as story only and make a stand-alone online version.