"getting her taken away by the The Weeknd (to fuel the revenge arc)"
I mean the wedding in GTA IV of that woman we didnt even love was like that
ay yo lol just rewatched gta iv ending I forgot they popped your wife and your cousin in the same exact location
@Kr0niic why D_nny joke like that
Do you guys even understand that the ENTIRE MAINFRAME is compromised at this point. The GTA VI source code leak puts EVERY device with a microchip or processor at risk for severe hackage. If you actually understood what was going on right now you wouldn't be joking around. There's serious talks right right now of completely taking the internet OFFLINE indefinitely.... Yeah.
F*** up chuck
GTA: Views from the 6ix
Rockstar dropped the biggest ball by not doing it in Torontothough.
Imagine getting a side-mission by Baka, or blasting back for NAV at a club shootout. Imagine ya love interest being Chromazz. Getting her taken away by the Weeknd (to fuel the revenge arc of the story, of course). The final boss being Drake.
Ofcourse that leaker is a f***ing Cornball.
Leaked test footage was cool, but that's more than enough. We don't need anymore foolery. Let rockstar finish the game and release it as they intend.
Ofcourse that leaker is a f***ing Cornball.
Leaked test footage was cool, but that's more than enough. We don't need anymore foolery. Let rockstar finish the game and release it as they intend.
all these attention seeking weirdoes are
ay yo lol just rewatched gta iv ending I forgot they popped your wife and your cousin in the same exact location
Completely forget the story of this game at this point
My brain only remembers roman taking you bowling and nico trying to dog the s*** out of michelle
Ofcourse that leaker is a f***ing Cornball.
Leaked test footage was cool, but that's more than enough. We don't need anymore foolery. Let rockstar finish the game and release it as they intend.
I mean if the rumor is true he's only 17
Completely forget the story of this game at this point
My brain only remembers roman taking you bowling and nico trying to dog the s*** out of michelle
Story was lioned tbh
ay yo lol just rewatched gta iv ending I forgot they popped your wife and your cousin in the same exact location
The ending where the fiance gets killed is much better. F*** that c***. She leaves you if you choose the Roman ending because you compromised your morals...bitch I just supplied a lifetime of cash for us and I had to bury my own cousin, and this is how you repay me? Nah you gotta die w**** it's over. I'm sticking with Roman.
Ofcourse that leaker is a f***ing Cornball.
Leaked test footage was cool, but that's more than enough. We don't need anymore foolery. Let rockstar finish the game and release it as they intend.
real niggas unite
Story was lioned tbh
I may have GTA IV story and missions over V but I need to replay both and want to play san andreas with mods
5 was so ass and that was mainly due to 3 chars
The mafia storylines always hit tho
Need some emotional s*** not more d****/heist s***
5 was so ass and that was mainly due to 3 chars
The mafia storylines always hit tho
Need some emotional s*** not more d****/heist s***
This was my problem, 5 was goofy as hell. Only good heist was the very 1st one too. V's "antagonists" were so ass
5 was so ass and that was mainly due to 3 chars
The mafia storylines always hit tho
Need some emotional s*** not more d****/heist s***
I agree with V story being ass but I think IV and V got to get replayed before VI out of respect
5 was so ass and that was mainly due to 3 chars
The mafia storylines always hit tho
Need some emotional s*** not more d****/heist s***
It will be d****/heist s*** but hopefully more like rdr2 than gta v
This was my problem, 5 was goofy as hell. Only good heist was the very 1st one too. V's "antagonists" were so ass
I got bored with the heist
couldn't believe all the choice boiled down to a white board.
V was a lot more kill everyone here missions than variety
It will be d****/heist s*** but hopefully more like rdr2 than gta v
damn I really need to play RDR2
damn I really need to play RDR2
its easily the best game oat
get on that asap