Not the same I want to sell a d*** to a NPC at the beginning of GTA VI and watch their life and AI slowly break down over the course of the game and destroy their family and eventually themselves
I need AI that has memory so you see addicts you created
I want to cry
But on a serious note Ai and NPCs that age from beginning of game to end and are affected is a dream. Like if you run them over and they live they try to get revenge on you all game
ay yo wtf
you can type anything about games and get people reading it now insider culture off the rails
you can type anything about games and get people reading it now insider culture off the rails
All this gta news is cool, but a ps5 update for red dead 2 would be cool for the time being
All this gta news is cool, but a ps5 update for red dead 2 would be cool for the time being
Not happening until GTA VI is out
ay yo wtf
lmao this is some fanfiction
All this gta news is cool, but a ps5 update for red dead 2 would be cool for the time being
That's coming at some point from what I've read... No one knows when though
I'm going to guess after GTA VI is out
Not the same I want to sell a d*** to a NPC at the beginning of GTA VI and watch their life and AI slowly break down over the course of the game and destroy their family and eventually themselves
I need AI that has memory so you see addicts you created
I want to cry
I'm definitely expecting a stranger mission thread like this, especially after rdr2.
I'm definitely expecting a stranger mission thread like this, especially after rdr2.
I haven't played Red Dead going to dig through on PC. I feel like while playing it I will get increasingly hyped for VI. The opportunity to really flesh out the side missions, choice and seeing characters develop throughout the game
ay yo wtf
Took the bait lmao
I haven't played Red Dead going to dig through on PC. I feel like while playing it I will get increasingly hyped for VI. The opportunity to really flesh out the side missions, choice and seeing characters develop throughout the game
Oh you got to, the quality jump is crazy. Plus, always nice to see how rockstar uses each game as a stepping stone mechanics-wise for the next one, considering the leaks
Took the bait lmao
Not even bait I don’t think it’s true 100% just realizing the infinite possibilities of them bringing on new writers because the houser thing was on my mind
All this gta news is cool, but a ps5 update for red dead 2 would be cool for the time being
fr fr
ay yo wtf
My cousin is in LA trynna make it as a comedian/actor and he performing at this comedy club this week or something and Slink Johnson (Lamar) is also gon be there
Man I remember back in the day when the gta trailers would say "pre order now to avoid disappointment" lol.
Rockstar knew their franchise was gonna sell out ha
Man I remember back in the day when the gta trailers would say "pre order now to avoid disappointment" lol.
Rockstar knew their franchise was gonna sell out ha
I like when the rollout is like " you got 3 months" and then just boom