  • Oct 31, 2023


  • Oct 31, 2023


    get the bagpipes out!

  • Oct 31, 2023


  • Oct 31, 2023
    1 reply


  • Oct 31, 2023

    This is not getting announced at Scottish games week

  • it over

  • Oct 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Yeah this thing won't be revealed until some time in 2024 for sure!

  • Oct 31, 2023
    1 reply

    s*** not dropping till 2028

  • Oct 31, 2023

    s*** not dropping till 2028

    Lol no not that late but let's say between 2025-2026

  • Oct 31, 2023

  • Nov 1, 2023


  • tonight

  • Nov 1, 2023

    Will never be topped

  • Nov 1, 2023


  • Nov 4, 2023
    1 reply
  • necromancer

  • Legacy

    My wife works in a position where she's able to see the trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto. I won't say more than that as to protect her own job working with Rockstar (but I would like to try and provide some kind of proof to the mods) and I will say upfront that I have not seen the trailer with my own eyes. With that said, she was able to watch the trailer earlier this week and this is what she described to me.

    Trailer opens without any music, just the sound of bugs and crickets and other nature, on a shot of a gator in what looked like the Everglades. Looks very reminiscent of RDR2 until a plane flies over the gator. Gator dives underwater before it cuts.

    Rockstar Studios Presents comes up as the trailer's song starts.

    Song is That's All by Genesis.

    Shots of Vice City's nightlife, glamorous cars and night clubs. Bouncer tosses someone out of a club. Guy gets back up and yells at the bouncer while his buddies usher him away.

    Fat man in a Hawaiian shirt lounging by a pool, fanning himself. Wife says the guy is REALLY sweaty.

    Jason and Lucia driving past the beach in a convertible. Looked like somebody surfing or boogie boarding.

    Quick shot of fans with their faces painted cheering in a football stadium.

    Lucia riding a horse next to a highway. Police helicopter behind her.

    Jason wearing a tank top with either a joint or a cigarette sitting on a four-wheeler.

    Jason and Lucia in a s***ty motel pointing guns at one another, then cut to the two of them on a roller coaster together.

    Theme park mascot of a flamingo getting punched in the gut by a guy in a hat.

    Jason and Lucia holding up a convenience store. Clerk slowly reaching for a gun behind the counter.

    Lotta fast action shots. She remembers seeing a cop car hit a barricade and a cop flying out of the windshield, Jason and Lucia walking past some prostitutes and into a shady-looking nightclub, Jason on a jet ski, a dude with long hair skateboarding in a skate park, Jason selling d****, Lucia yelling at someone and then bashing their head onto a railing (wife said it reminded her of a Yakuza heat action), some teens recording another teen doing a silly dance and then falling over, a man being thrown off an airboat, someone casting a fishing rod, money raining down on people dancing in a packed club.

    Jason and Lucia behind cover in a shootout at what looks almost like the Kennedy Space Center (part of a rocket in the background).

    Jason: "This is crazy. What are you willing to lose?" Lucia: "We've been through enough. We don't have anything to lose."

    Final shot of the beach. Boat goes past the camera. Grand Theft Auto VI.

    Trailer is due out next week. Believe it or not right now, but save the post because this is what you'll be seeing in a few days. I'll update if my wife remembers anything else specific.

    nice meme

  • GreatValueWorld

    Are you dense? Drop the title!?

    Mf said drop the title. The f***ing title is GTA VI lol you this down bad for news they gotta tell you what you already know? Lol stop trying to reduce how f***ing dramatic your initial post was lol

    It's not working.

  • i wonder what they're going to name the next gta guys

  • grand theft auto vi : ce city

  • Nov 5, 2023
    1 reply

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Nov 5, 2023

    Coming never

  • Nov 5, 2023

    Rockstar y’all can scrap this and pour resources into rdr3

  • Nov 6, 2023

    When GTA6 is a launch game for PS6

  • Nov 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Also f*** GTA6

    Bully 2 when