The marking for this is gonna be insane, off the top of my head I can’t think of another game that’s ever been this hyped. You already know Take-2 are gonna want their billion dollar sales number first day
This game fr gonna shift the paradigm GTA online gonna be a cultural phenomenon
Didn't they get some big modders in the RP scene to come in? They have to capitalize on that. If they do, they won't have to make another GTA ever again
Didn't they get some big modders in the RP scene to come in? They have to capitalize on that. If they do, they won't have to make another GTA ever again
They bought and acquired FiveM
They bought and acquired FiveM
after a quick google on what specifically FiveM did/does, oh yeah GTA Online is gonna be the one.
"Mr. President, GTA VI is almost here"
the last time we consistently got new GTAs was when he was still in office
RIP man
This feels like the wait for the first Halo 3 trailer to drop
Rockstar really restoring the feeling
GTAs released under Bush: 7
under Obama: 2 (3 if we include online)
under Trump: 0
under Biden : 1
This feels like the wait for the first Halo 3 trailer to drop
Rockstar really restoring the feeling
What other big monoculture events do we have left? GTA feels like the last of a bygone era
GTAs released under Bush: 7
under Obama: 2 (3 if we include online)
under Trump: 0
under Biden : 1
What if it drops 2025 and Biden doesn’t get reelected?
Didn't they get some big modders in the RP scene to come in? They have to capitalize on that. If they do, they won't have to make another GTA ever again
They need one more GTA after this
GTA Americas: Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas, Carcer City etc.