this won’t be good btw
the days of good things in life outside of maybe music are long gone
i mean you're only half right, good things still come out lol but anyone that is actually excited for anything new from rockstar even GTA 6 hasn't really been paying attention to the studio for a long time. any studio or company is only as good as the people that staff it and most of the people that made the previous games great are long gone up to and including the former creative heads. them niggas went and started their own studio like years ago atp
this won’t be good btw
the days of good things in life outside of maybe music are long gone
There’s so many depressed people on this site. Seek help
12 years ago
This trailer is iconic
Knowing rockstar it'll have a spring release date then get delayed to the fall
Knowing rockstar it'll have a spring release date then get delayed to the fall
spring 2024 - we've waited 10 years i can wait another year if it means a good game
this won’t be good btw
the days of good things in life outside of maybe music are long gone
Rockstar is the one thing you can’t doubt they have earned that right
I'll be surprised if Rockstar can top CP2077 graphically
red dead 2 already looks better
i mean you're only half right, good things still come out lol but anyone that is actually excited for anything new from rockstar even GTA 6 hasn't really been paying attention to the studio for a long time. any studio or company is only as good as the people that staff it and most of the people that made the previous games great are long gone up to and including the former creative heads. them niggas went and started their own studio like years ago atp
Leslie Benzies is making a dogshit live service game & Dan Houser left long after they probably finished writing GTA VI lol
It’s not like all of the day ones are gone, and even then there’s still an awful lot of people that worked with the old guard on GTA V & RDR2
My dad works at GTA 6 and if any ladies in this thread direct message me I’ll send you a $100 shark card
Ain't no gameplay next month
I mean in-game graphics with the fancy camera and stuff, you know the usual Rockstar trailer reveal lol
Leslie Benzies is making a dogshit live service game & Dan Houser left long after they probably finished writing GTA VI lol
It’s not like all of the day ones are gone, and even then there’s still an awful lot of people that worked with the old guard on GTA V & RDR2