@movinq how are u btw i just noticed that was u
ik we had a rift but i hope you’ve been good
all love
I'm better mentally, thanks and I have some regrets for the stupid s*** I did. I know better now and that everything from you only were jokes
How are you? I hope you're doing well too
Link to supposed true leaks?
I'm better mentally, thanks and I have some regrets for the stupid s*** I did. I know better now and that everything from you only were jokes
How are you? I hope you're doing well too
I’m glad you’re doing good man don’t worry ab it. Ik u were going through some s*** so don’t even sweat it
water under the bridge
if so can’t wait to f*** myself
Bonnie and Clyde never f***ed tho. Clyde couldn’t get a stiff d*** or sumn like that.
I want an actual Villain this time, and since we’re in Miami, make it a Cartel Boss scary type MF, GTA V’s antagonists were so weak, Steve Hains and that rich doushebag guy? lol
Dimitri was such a good bad guy in IV
Those first few mission in GTA V were def iconic
yeah the game has a fantastic opening few hours, up until the first heist
it falls apart when you meet that FIB dude and spend the next 20 hours just doing favors for him and sucking people off
Game also didn’t utilize enough of the map, they built this amazing world and yet majority of the gigantic countryside, mountains and s*** don’t even get used one time in the story, all this potential with that insane map but they never capitalized. I expected them to do it single player DLC, but we all know what happened with that
Anybody else feel like this is the game thats gonna finally incentivize them to go next gen?
Bootlicker mentality
Bootlicker is one of the worst terms used on the internet and is exclusively used by people that live of social security or their parents money
I’m glad you’re doing good man don’t worry ab it. Ik u were going through some s*** so don’t even sweat it
water under the bridge
All love brother and sorry again
Bootlicker is one of the worst terms used on the internet and is exclusively used by people that live of social security or their parents money
lol I’m not even defending crunch when it comes to most games in general, I just feel like rockstar games tend to shoot for the moon and if you expect that same level of innovation and insane detail time and time again, you gotta accept some level of crunch
Nah if this in miami i need a CRAZY soundtrack
unironically blinding lights
Anybody else feel like this is the game thats gonna finally incentivize them to go next gen?
Nah if this in miami i need a CRAZY soundtrack
they needa bring back the custom soundtracks with in game commercials between songs like san andreas had
Imagine AM/Spotify integration
I was thinking like kodak/jackboy but that’d be hard too
Yak on GTA would be iconic
they needa bring back the custom soundtracks with in game commercials between songs like san andreas had
Imagine AM/Spotify integration
DAMN never thought of this