did you guys ever play in first person mode ?
no cause in GTA 5 and RDR2 it is attrociously s***
He left
Sam is the only one there
Still be wondering what was so bad that made him want to leave something he was xlearly so passionate about. Maybe he just wanted to do something else and felt like he did all he could with gta idk but it's weird kinda to me
I mean it's pretty normal after an announcement trailer to wait 2 more years so
I've always been fine with 2025
did you guys ever play in first person mode ?
yea i did a playthrough with it when the ps4/xb1 version dropped
I mean it's pretty normal after an announcement trailer to wait 2 more years so
I've always been fine with 2025
Yup I don't expect that to change but it's good to finally get the announcement so we know it's at most probably just 2 more years of waiting at this point
The hyper a***yzing tweets on release day will be the craziest we have ever seen
By September 2022, Houser joined the advisory board of Revolving Games, a blockchain game studio, after investing in a US$13.2 million funding round for the company;23 Houser met co-founder Saad Zaeem some years earlier to explore ideas, but they ultimately chose different projects, leading Houser to become an adviser and investor instead.24
cmon dan houser don’t fall for the meme
When a flannel doesn't flutter for a second while riding a bike and people say Rockstar undercooked the game
The hyper a***yzing tweets on release day will be the craziest we have ever seen
Gonna dust off my gtaforums account to see their theories
Yup I don't expect that to change but it's good to finally get the announcement so we know it's at most probably just 2 more years of waiting at this point
Zero hype involved considering their track record
Nov 2011 - GTA V trailer - 2 years before release
Oct 2016 - RDR2 trailer - 2 years before release
Gonna dust off my gtaforums account to see their theories
"registered 2011"
Thats cool man I'm happy for Rockstar employees I bet they are super excited to finally have the world see what they've been working I'm a state where it's presentable and meant to be seen. I bet the leaks made them give this trailer extra polish too just to show niggas that wasn't how the game was going to look
Thats cool man I'm happy for Rockstar employees I bet they are super excited to finally have the world see what they've been working I'm a state where it's presentable and meant to be seen. I bet the leaks made them give this trailer extra polish too just to show niggas that wasn't how the game was going to look
Gonna dust off my gtaforums account to see their theories
Used to love that place san andreas era
gta leak vid to refresh u guy's memories
so hyped for this i might buy GTA Trilogy Definitive editions
do it bro
I really never saw the massive amount of hate for the Definitive Editions. Like omg the light pole didn't crumble the right way big f***ing deal.
I played through all 3 in chronological order and it was a blast to be able to play these games on our modern TV's
(GTA 3 was a standout for me idk why, the city felt so alive)
Rockstar when they announce the $150 edition you can play 3 days early
rockstar when I buy the super deluxe edition after saying for years I’ll never buy a new game for over 70$
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