I wish I could be a kid and play gta 4 during its release again. That graphical jump from SA to GTA 4 just felt magical at the time. Same thing with MGS3 to MGS4.
Man miss those times with graphical jumps like that. But the jump from gta v to rdr 2 was ALMOST just as good tbh imo. It's hard to imagine gta vi looking better than rdr 2 but apparently it is. I realized rdr 2 looks so amazing not just because of it running on an improved rage engine from 5, but because it doesn't have to render out a big city with tons of buildings, cars, pedestrians etc. Rdr is just as detailed but it's setting of small towns, firsts, deserts, no cars etc was probably a bit easier to work with, though it undoubtedly had it's own challenges, like all of the pedestrianinteractions and whatnot. Can't wait to see the upgraded rage engine render out a whole dense city again.
We waited 10 years they better make this game epic. Need everything in GTAV but with
Biggest map in GTA ever
Multiple different cities like San Andreas
RPG elements like working out and your character can get fat
Ability to buy property in single player mode not just online
gonna be a long month should just surprise dropped dat b**** in december
They should've just changed the R* logo to VI colors on social media and then gone MIA for 6 months before finally dropping the trailer..
gonna be a long month should just surprise dropped dat b**** in december
they clearly trying to build up the momentum for either Game Awards reveal or just trailer drop
there also wasn’t any places to eat either right? I don’t recall any places like cluckin bell or pizza places. I hope this is more similar to San Andreas with all the customization and places to go to
I was mad as hell on launch when I found out Burger Shot wasn’t enterable
they clearly trying to build up the momentum for either Game Awards reveal or just trailer drop
I don’t think the trailer will be at the game awards
They’re probably going to drop a SMALL teaser at the Game Awards with a trailer date lmao
guys what if we can go into every building, every floor, every room
It’s possible if they use AI to generate rooms on the fly
A lot of it has to do with world cohesion, emergent gameplay from its well done AI and physics system, and unparalleled level of production value (beyond just graphical presentation and animation quality, but also the music they license for their radio station playlists, score collaborations and even original songs with big name artists).
Given the rarity of open world games set in contemporary, populated cities VI is likely to stand out even more so than older installments did previously (barring III/VC of course).
Thank you
honestly most excited to hear who they got to do the original score. gtav/rdr2 were so innovation in those regards and i hope gta6 will surpass both of those.
Would be fun to see Michael’s elderly ass retire in Vice City with Amanda
We waited 10 years they better make this game epic. Need everything in GTAV but with
Biggest map in GTA ever
Multiple different cities like San Andreas
RPG elements like working out and your character can get fat
Ability to buy property in single player mode not just online
I’m gonna cry when this drops.
To add to all of this, imagine an upgraded and advanced combat system with sleeping dogs level combat, realistic guns.
BF2042 level destructive environments.
The ability to take/get addicted to d**** and alcohol. And they will permanently affect your abilities - combat, driving etc.
I’m gonna cry when this drops.
To add to all of this, imagine an upgraded and advanced combat system with sleeping dogs level combat, realistic guns.
BF2042 level destructive environments.
The ability to take/get addicted to d**** and alcohol. And they will permanently affect your abilities - combat, driving etc.
stop coming up with fan fiction youre setting yourself up for disappointment
stop coming up with fan fiction youre setting yourself up for disappointment
Tbh whatever they drop, I’ll be happy.
stop coming up with fan fiction youre setting yourself up for disappointment
Tbh whatever they drop, I’ll be happy.
why are these two always together and seem like they've become real friends in the past 10 years but theyre never with the trevor guy
why are these two always together and seem like they've become real friends in the past 10 years but theyre never with the trevor guy
Trevor's actor has grown to hate the role lmao
why are these two always together and seem like they've become real friends in the past 10 years but theyre never with the trevor guy
Because Steven Ogg doesn't like being known as "the trevor guy"
Because Steven Ogg doesn't like being known as "the trevor guy"
That interview with him talking about it was super cringe. Like just lean into it bro no one knows u from anything else.
That interview with him talking about it was super cringe. Like just lean into it bro no one knows u from anything else.
He wants to be known as the Better call Saul guy
That interview with him talking about it was super cringe. Like just lean into it bro no one knows u from anything else.
That interview with him talking about it was super cringe. Like just lean into it bro no one knows u from anything else.
feel bad cause franklin and michael only vaguely resemble their VAs meanwhile Trevor is literally just Steven Ogg’s face and is the most deranged mf in gaming history
He wants to be known as the Better call Saul guy
He was more in Walking Dead than BCS
If anything - they should call em that cause thats one of the most watched shows of all time