deadass remember playing this video like 200 times just imagining the game in my head from what they was describing s*** felt unreal the months before release
We are really old f***s now
Back when u had to physically pre-order games at the store to make sure u had a copy or wait a month before u could get ur hands on it. Crazy..
Back when u had to physically pre-order games at the store to make sure u had a copy or wait a month before u could get ur hands on it. Crazy..
Yep…. and back then u also had to walk 3 hours in the snow to get to school…….
Yep…. and back then u also had to walk 3 hours in the snow to get to school…….
Kids these days will never understand
Yall rockin w the box or the ps5
Box ps5 and pc
Will prob get this for box (assuming they don’t release on pc first like they always skip)
The iPhone 5s came out 2013 jesus everything was better 10 years ago
Jesus christ
that first day with gta 5 after u spent a cool 12 hours straight just taking it all in, u tired as s*** and get ready to quit, ADHD by kendrick playing as you cruise to franklin crib. you save and then hit the pause menu and let that amazing ambient menu music ring off for the first time
Box ps5 and pc
Will prob get this for box (assuming they don’t release on pc first like they always skip)
Damn so u a nerd or sum?
that first day with gta 5 after u spent a cool 12 hours straight just taking it all in, u tired as s*** and get ready to quit, ADHD by kendrick playing as you cruise to franklin crib. you save and then hit the pause menu and let that amazing ambient menu music ring off for the first time
that first day with gta 5 after u spent a cool 12 hours straight just taking it all in, u tired as s*** and get ready to quit, ADHD by kendrick playing as you cruise to franklin crib. you save and then hit the pause menu and let that amazing ambient menu music ring off for the first time
i think i know every single song on los santos rock radio word for word
They need to put Calling My Name on here
Honestly , Nevermind was made for this game
Thread got me like
Now imagine the 20 year wait from GTA VI to GTA VII
Bro when gta 5 dropped i would skip and then come back home when my mom had left for work
I did that for 3 days before the school called and i got caught she was f***ing furious