You gotta assume they’ll stick with the model that made them the most profitable entertainment release of all time: Charge for the game, with most if not all major updates be free while focusing on micro transactions.
Also it would be lame to charge for DLC originally meant for the release.
No, I mean narratively. Is the game gonna have a more free-form narrative than previous games, or will they have separate stories.
Also curious to see what they do about main mission design. Will they be set piece driven like V or more open ended?
Worried about the edge of this game after reading that article. Seems like they took all the chaos out of Rockstar, and good for the employees on that. But GTA is the South Park of video games and we need the shock still
I'm still excited for it, but we've been there done that, so I get it.
Leakers saying this August already
Would be crazy but I don't think they'll drop it so suddenly without launching an actual marketing campaign
I know it's the most hyped up product OF ALL TIME and by far but they already have V E&E coming up this year
Worried about the edge of this game after reading that article. Seems like they took all the chaos out of Rockstar, and good for the employees on that. But GTA is the South Park of video games and we need the shock still
V honestly took the s*** too far, to a degree where it made it difficult to actually care for any of the characters in it because EVERYTHING felt tongue in cheek.
It definitely felt like an overt course correction following IV, and I think they really stepped up their writing with RDR2.
I'm still excited for it, but we've been there done that, so I get it.
A new city WOULD be cool. But a glitzy, lit up Miami would be dope.
Would be crazy but I don't think they'll drop it so suddenly without launching an actual marketing campaign
I know it's the most hyped up product OF ALL TIME and by far but they already have V E&E coming up this year
Well, they could announce it 3 days before and it would be massive already because its GTA. The biggest game of all time.
Makes more sense after the article
considering how awful the writing in GTA V was I have no idea why people would mourn them moving in a different direction, although I suppose RDR2 did have pretty great writing so idk, Houser is a clearly loss but I think moving beyond edgy deadpool/south park tier satire is a good move.
When do y’all think we’ll get a teaser?
End of this year maybe?
Spring next year
MAYBE Winter
deadass remember playing this video like 200 times just imagining the game in my head from what they was describing s*** felt unreal the months before release
We all did the same s*** lmaoooo
considering how awful the writing in GTA V was I have no idea why people would mourn them moving in a different direction, although I suppose RDR2 did have pretty great writing so idk, Houser is a clearly loss but I think moving beyond edgy deadpool/south park tier satire is a good move.
Not only that, but I feel like zany “LOL SO RANDOM”/obnoxious humor is just too prevalent nowadays.
if staying in North america
chicago and new york would've been a lot more interesting
and also, there are other countries other than america
london would've been insane
if staying in North america
chicago and new york would've been a lot more interesting
and also, there are other countries other than america
london would've been insane
I was one of them. Amazing time
I had restless leg syndrome at school the entirety of that day
if staying in North america
chicago and new york would've been a lot more interesting
and also, there are other countries other than america
london would've been insane
A detailed street by street Manhattan would be insane. If True Crime NY could do back in the day, the Rockstar can do it.
if staying in North america
chicago and new york would've been a lot more interesting
and also, there are other countries other than america
london would've been insane
You do know that Liberty City is New York right?
London would be a total snoozefest
Didn’t Rockstar themselves say that GTA was exclusively an America based series or something?