I thought it was pretty whelming
Just wait until they drop those gameplay deep dives, hype will be through the roof
Calling it now, the social media footage in this trailer are clips we can watch from the ingame social app that will function like gta4/5 tv watching.
nobody trying to be shooting on a controller
get ready to learn stick shooting buddy
No pc is making my blood boil
The planet knowing it’s gonna hit peak material waste levels with everybody buying PS5s
Will it beat that BTS record? word on the monoculture e-streets is that it will
Searching this on YouTube and I get like 5 different reaction videos before the actual trailer.
God i hate how this site is now
This s*** looks amazing they really seemed to captured the whole meme essence of Florida
Can't wait for more footage
Someone nuke this twitter account
https://twitter.com/dramaalert/status/1731823490028671256This drama alert dude is the most cringeworthy individual I swear
What do yall think about the trailer fr fr? I thought it was underwhelming a little
Kinda underwhelming cuz we didn't see gameplay but all first Gta trailers are like that. In terms of tech tho it's pretty amazing the npc variety is insane
This also might be the last GTA i buy. Im almost 32. Im getting up there.
I'm gonna be on my death bed still booting up GTA 13
Someone at Rockstar is a big Petty fan
and i just noticed the white claw parody near the bottom
What’s most ridiculously mundane thing you’re hoping we’ll be able to do i lowkey enjoyed playing golf on there some more sports would be fire lol
Will it beat that BTS record? word on the monoculture e-streets is that it will
Let's get it to 102 million views boys