  • Jun 16, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jun 16, 2020

    Good bye Superman xxx

  • Jun 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Rocksteady can go f*** themselves.

  • Jun 16, 2020
    2 replies


    Superman is trash

  • Melz ⚜️
    Jun 16, 2020

    Who asked for this

  • Jun 16, 2020
    2 replies

    All that waiting, teasing, and silence for this

  • Jun 16, 2020


  • Jun 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Who tf wants a Superman game anyways?

  • Jun 17, 2020
    1 reply

    This has been floating around for a while, I don’t know why anybody still thought it was Superman.

    We’ll probably see it in August at DC Fandome.

    It was also rumoured for Fall 2021 and with it following Gunn’s Suicide Squad, I think people will be hyped for it.

  • Jun 17, 2020
    2 replies
    · edited

    This has been floating around for a while, I don’t know why anybody still thought it was Superman.

    We’ll probably see it in August at DC Fandome.

    It was also rumoured for Fall 2021 and with it following Gunn’s Suicide Squad, I think people will be hyped for it.

    Because they made a pitch for a superman game to wb but it was shot down and niggas ain't want to beleive it even though it's been confirmed to been "cancelled" multiple times

  • Jun 17, 2020
    1 reply

    Because they made a pitch for a superman game to wb but it was shot down and niggas ain't want to beleive it even though it's been confirmed to been "cancelled" multiple times

    Exactly and that pitch was made years ago if I recall correctly. Jason Schrier last year or the year before replied to a person on Twitter saying it’s not Superman but instead a group game. That’s why I don’t understand why people still thought it was Superman.

  • Jun 17, 2020

    Exactly and that pitch was made years ago if I recall correctly. Jason Schrier last year or the year before replied to a person on Twitter saying it’s not Superman but instead a group game. That’s why I don’t understand why people still thought it was Superman.

    Just a bunch of gamers being hardheaded and not wanting to lose to people who actually know what they are talking about lmaooo

  • Jun 17, 2020

    Will probably be better than the movie

  • Based of the Arkham series, this might be a good game however, Suicide Squad, really?

  • Jun 17, 2020


  • Jun 17, 2020

    who the f*** wants this

  • Jun 17, 2020

    superman is trash anyway

  • Jun 17, 2020
    1 reply

    I mean... if you can play as Deathstroke, I wouldn’t be mad.

  • Jun 17, 2020

    Rocksteady can go f*** themselves.

    WB cancelled it

  • Jun 17, 2020

    that movie really ruined this brand all ive seen is people hating on this and they dont even know what it is yet

  • Jun 17, 2020

    Yeah I don’t want this.

    Idk how they could do a superman though. He would basically be indestructible.

  • Jun 17, 2020

    Jason Schreier has been on an incredible run of breaking hearts for the past two months or so

  • Jun 17, 2020

