Yeah he fire lots of great artist out this generation, idk what the nerds on KTT be crying about
Hasn’t missed yet tbh
Bruh came up over night it was crazy
I just miss when he made songs like this
He got in his bag with his feelings n s*** and now that’s like all he does. And he said he was done making sad songs but it feels like he still singing about the struggle on these gospel/blues beats
we need a rod wave propaganda, ktt2 is sleeping
We have enough propaganda already
I've been traveling a lot for work and this song puts me in my feels thinking about my girl
He’s boring overall but he can have a few bangers
only problem is he doesn't know how to end a song
Cause the pain never ends
we need a rod wave propaganda, ktt2 is sleeping
There’s about to be hella threads about him after his album does 120k+