He could've picked a better lil nas song to remix tbh
Yeah. Family was my favorite from the album personally
But some of y’all said the real Nas is a homophobe
Why would gay Nas work with him???
But some of y’all said the real Nas is a homophobe
Why would gay Nas work with him???
doubt he knows nas is gay tbh
Stop calling him Nas
People really hate to see Old Nas and New Nas link
A good chunk of this site has made it their personality trait to hate one or the other
I know those dweebs are sick about this
But some of y’all said the real Nas is a homophobe
Why would gay Nas work with him???
Gay Nas hates Muslims so this really wild. Hotep muslims and twitter gays don't know what to do tonight.
Boomer NAS forced to pass the torch to gay NAS
-boomer who cant embed