Did Chris Bumstead approve this ????
I could see Giga Chad supporting Ron but Chris Bumstead?? Dam
The way this video is edited seems designed to appeal to edgy 16yos which is crazy because they can't vote
Thought this was a YouTube parody about what he said. His campaign team made this??
In the end, the guys that pulled Trump out of his douchebag crevice to paint him in a good light were his Republican political opponents.
I feel like he could win unfortunately. His name and whole vibe feels presidential and like a throwback to Reagan or some s***
Thought this was a YouTube parody about what he said. His campaign team made this??
Yeah I legitimately thought it was some s*** post by some random Florida kid
It's funny cause the song lgbt af
It's funnier that they used Tyler as the "just kidding f*** gay people" moment
I'm sorry for my intellectually disabled brothers and sisters but this is one of the most rrrtrded videos I've ever seen. I got to the 31 second mark I don't need any more of this. It's all gone to s***
by order of the peaky f***ing blinders
Ron DeEstabishment is and has always been a clown. The only big conservative figure that supports him is Ben Shapiro. Ron is irrelevant