S*** is very Burial-esque:
The second release, "Love Divide," from his forthcoming album:
I thought it was actually Ross from friends. But its not so now I'm not impressed. I'm tired of boo bop beep boop ass robot music.
I thought it was actually Ross from friends. But its not so now I'm not impressed. I'm tired of boo bop beep boop ass robot music.
get some taste
I thought it was actually Ross from friends. But its not so now I'm not impressed. I'm tired of boo bop beep boop ass robot music.
get some taste
Its boring bro. This s*** was aight with Tycho and xxyyxx and all that s*** back in the 2010s but this s*** is so redundant. Flylo the only one in the genre of bee boop instrumentals that I care about.
Its boring bro. This s*** was aight with Tycho and xxyyxx and all that s*** back in the 2010s but this s*** is so redundant. Flylo the only one in the genre of bee boop instrumentals that I care about.
you need to listen to more music bro
tychos fine, seen him live plenty of times.
tychos fine, seen him live plenty of times.
The genre is dead and boring as f***.
This nigga Ross from friends needs to go with barney from how I met your mother and find some b****es cus the music just ain't hitting.
The genre is dead and boring as f***.
it is most definitely not dead. do you listen to four tet, caribou, dixon, ame, the avalanches, 0pn, vegyn, yaeji, dj seinfeld, sophie, floating points, kai whiston, iglooghost, oli xl, arca, prospa, objekt, disclosure, jamie xx, whomadewho, etc?? there are a plethora of great artists who continue to push eletronic music forward