Exactly. His hype was the highest leading up to this album…but I think the hype was to much to live up to and people forget about this album more
this was supposed to be his magnum opus
coming off teflon don and richforver, signing meek and wale and dropping self made 1 and 2, winning MTV hottest MC of tha year, everything was building up to this moment
imo he delivered, but a lot of people disagree. glad to see ktt showing some love tho
we know u p**** so u got my niggas masterbating
Album is a classic to me
feels so luxurious and grand and cinematic and the rapping is fun and, even more importantly. GOOD
the guest features all showed out and Ross even pulled a 3K feat.
Artwork fit the music with the golden aura and tone to it
I love it
Teflon Don to God Forgives to Mastermind
Is a great three album run
Ross even dropped Rich Forever in the midst of that run
MMG marketing machine was OD af at the time too lol
You’d have 2 mins ad rolls in front of every one of their music videos for all the new MMG singles and albums
The Untouchable MMG Empire
“You should listen to this beat through my headphones”
Dr Dre was shameless with the promo on 3 Kings
yup, then he peaked at mastermind
the run from trilla to mastermind ..never had a bad album