Same people asking for a more credible source in the other thread yesterday will believe this without hesitation today because yall want Wayne to be a villain so bad
You questioning me on this is the same as me asking why did Lil Wayne fizzle out and why after Carter 3 he used the same annoying flow in all of his songs, the ones that didn't stick with the general public
Because artists change as their career change
They can't be hot as fish grease every single year Ignance
so then why did you guys spin the narrative and say that NLU blew up because of Drake stimulus?
remember you told me he didn’t fall off because he was still being talked about? so are you acknowledging that he isn’t as beloved and popular as he was once before?
A MIlli
I'm On One
Make It Rain
Stuntin Like My Daddy
6 foot 7 foot
This would be amazing on SB stage + i don't know where this Lil Wayne is bad live performer thing came from
I don't know how you can compare the potential of this to a Kendrick SB show
quadra is black man lol
Ngl I be getting him confused with the other dude with the red background lmaoo
When I saw him with the American flag it kind of finished my thoughts that I have been saying for a bit
Again Kendrick will never say muslim lives matter or anything more than black lives
people think thats a deep cut
no that is he has owners and he isnt political in any form
Why is it wrong for him to be with the American flag though.
Vinny jr is a black footballer who speaks out against racism towards his people and he still reps Brazil. Why is it only an issue when American niggas do the same?
Same people asking for a more credible source in the other thread yesterday will believe this without hesitation today because yall want Wayne to be a villain so bad
Like fr bruh it isnt that deep
Ngl i dont believe this. Doesnt seem like waynes character at all
Wayne does coherent podcasts and interviews all the time. They be going off how he looks
Wayne literally had a whole record breaking radio show not that long ago. As well as guest hosting on national TV as an NFL affiliate. They are just looking for issues that arnt there. Only valid criticism is he doesnt always sound good live.
Ngl I be getting him confused with the other dude with the red background lmaoo
they’re all basically the same niggas when it comes to their Papi
If it wasn’t for the beef nobody would care like this lol Now niggas love Wayne? Where y’all been for the past few albums he dropped?
Niggas just want a Drake comeback to happen so bad.
A MIlli
I'm On One
Make It Rain
Stuntin Like My Daddy
6 foot 7 foot
This would be amazing on SB stage + i don't know where this Lil Wayne is bad live performer thing came from
I don't know how you can compare the potential of this to a Kendrick SB show
"i don't know where this Lil Wayne is bad live performer thing came from"
maybe its the past decade of phoned in awful performances
so then why did you guys spin the narrative and say that NLU blew up because of Drake stimulus?
remember you told me he didn’t fall off because he was still being talked about? so are you acknowledging that he isn’t as beloved and popular as he was once before?
It blew up because it utilized one of the most viral talking points about Drake, which was viralized by a Nicki Minaj stan in 2018 after Drake didn't help her with Queen
The streams show it's all business as usual with Drake's popularity
The vocal minority of Twitter and maybe Jack Dorsey and Alexis Ohanian could rattle some artists' careers and standings but not Drake's
If it wasn’t for the beef nobody would care like this lol Now niggas love Wayne? Where y’all been for the past few albums he dropped?
Niggas just want a Drake comeback to happen so bad.
now you’re asking the real questions
where was Drake at when Thug & Birdman tried to have him assassinated?
why did JAY-Z pay Wayne’s taxes and debt when he was in trouble?
very pressing questions that i haven’t gotten an answer to
that’s his specialty, especially when it comes to artists he has a burning disdain for
expect multiple posts in a row
Emphasis on “burning disdain”
What’s hilarious is there’s no way Hov and whoever else didn’t expect all this outrage
They are definitely leveraging the attention from this to make this the most watched superbowl half time show of all time and that’s coming from a huge Drake fan
A MIlli
I'm On One
Make It Rain
Stuntin Like My Daddy
6 foot 7 foot
This would be amazing on SB stage + i don't know where this Lil Wayne is bad live performer thing came from
I don't know how you can compare the potential of this to a Kendrick SB show
Do you yall really want him to perform stuntin like my daddy st the 2025 superbowl ?? Seriously?
Have you seen his production value for his actual shows recently? Like in the past 5 years?
And why tf would drake and nicki of all people be near a superbowl stage after all the controversy this year?
Cmon bruh
what interviews would you like me to link? cause there are so many. Wayne has even been guest hosting on national TV.
Bro shut up Wayne doesn’t deserve Super Bowl in 2024
Maybe a decade ago but now F*** NO
If it wasn’t for the beef nobody would care like this lol Now niggas love Wayne? Where y’all been for the past few albums he dropped?
Niggas just want a Drake comeback to happen so bad.
You think Nicki want a Drake comeback? Mfs is tired of Hov since he getting jumped the real Hov haters coming out to play
A shame but the same exact s*** happened with the Drake haters lol
It blew up because it utilized one of the most viral talking points about Drake, which was viralized by a Nicki Minaj stan in 2018 after Drake didn't help her with Queen
The streams show it's all business as usual with Drake's popularity
The vocal minority of Twitter and maybe Jack Dorsey and Alexis Ohanian could rattle some artists' careers and standings but not Drake's
how are we defining business as usual here? Drake has an entire backlog that will always make him a streaming giant no matter what he does or how much of his reputation takes a hit, we’re discussing why has he been struggling to get anything off the ground with all of the songs that he’s been dropping
unless you can split up the streaming numbers and show me how much of those streams are accounting for his newest material over his older s***, i don’t know if this really helps anything you’re saying at all here, you talked about superpowers, the stimmy was apparently one of them for awhile and it’s not working
That being said, current Lil Wayne aint giving 15 minutes of a good show.
Why are we acting like he would have to do it alone
now you’re asking the real questions
where was Drake at when Thug & Birdman tried to have him assassinated?
why did JAY-Z pay Wayne’s taxes and debt when he was in trouble?
very pressing questions that i haven’t gotten an answer to
A lot of jayz helping wayne was out of spite for birdman, to potentially get control of Drake and Nicki, and make Tidal the dominate streaming service. I dont think that is genuine at all. Most people dont give multi-million dollar gifts just to be nice.