Mid buys mid
Leak riddlers are cornball losers. Just say what you gotta say and keep it moving or keep it to yourself
This isn't about an acquisition
None of the leakers ever have leaked an acquisition, they don't have those kind of sources lmao
Mid buys mid
if sony mid what is microsoft ? unless ur a sigma nintendo player
if sony mid what is microsoft ? unless ur a sigma nintendo player
Nintendo dropping bangers everyone can admit that Pikmin 4 this week
Nintendo dropping bangers everyone can admit that Pikmin 4 this week
i remember i wanted a wii when it first came out and ended up with 360
i ended up meeting friends on xbox live and was happy but i wonder what could've been if i got a wii
Square Enix needs someone else at the helm with all the f***ing trash they done and all the damage theyve caused to multiple ips and studios
Literally their only wins are Final Fantasy 7, Marvel Guardian & Final Fantasy 16 since 2015 with major titles
Dragon Quest series still dope but theyre their own seperate entity only Square in name & FF14 was ruined by the main branch of Square while the passionate developers put the pieces back together with their own time and devotion
Final Fantasy 15 trash
Final Fantasy Dissidia trash
Final Fantasy 0 mid
Babylons Fall gabage
Deus Ex Mankind Divided ruined
Tomb Raider ruined
Marvel Avengers biggest waste of money, time and talent
World Ends With You gets no love or support
Kingdom Hearts 3 dissapointed
Etc. Etc. Etc.
It’s actually PlayStation X Shrek, Sony has purchased the rights to make a new Shrek adventure game only for PS5
if sony mid what is microsoft ? unless ur a sigma nintendo player
They are all mid rn
i remember i wanted a wii when it first came out and ended up with 360
i ended up meeting friends on xbox live and was happy but i wonder what could've been if i got a wii
Wii wasn’t a banger
Final Fantasy 15 trash
Final Fantasy Dissidia trash
Final Fantasy 0 mid
Babylons Fall gabage
Deus Ex Mankind Divided ruined
Tomb Raider ruined
Marvel Avengers biggest waste of money, time and talent
World Ends With You gets no love or support
Kingdom Hearts 3 dissapointed
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Goddam i hate modern era Square so much
Since ps4 gen theyve absolutely garbage & lost while bleeding money and talent with no reimbursement
Nevermind all their dumbass mobile, arcade, battle royal, microtransactioned to hell & other live service bullshit that literally not a single one has ever made money back such as Avengers and the FINAL FANTASY BATTLE ROYALE LMAOOOO
They are literally as bad as Capcom was during xbox 360 era and teetering on Konami levels bad right now
Wii wasn’t a banger
Bro would have been not only game-less but also friend-less
Life would have been a literal net negative if he chose differently overall