  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Feb 8
    1 reply

    we will pre order and be there day 1 (if launch lineup good)

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    N64- Super Mario 64
    GameCube - Luigi’s Mansion
    Wii - Twilight Princess
    Switch - Breath of the Wild
    a launch day classic incoming

  • Feb 8
    2 replies

    Imma need these lads to make a comeback

  • There day 1 hopefully

  • Feb 8
    2 replies

    we will pre order and be there day 1 (if launch lineup good)

    Starfield with dlc day 1

  • Feb 8

    was a couple years late to the switch but im here day 1 for sure, can't wait

  • bejewelry

    Starfield with dlc day 1

    it’s crazy how, in the span of like one year, we went from no Bethesda games coming to switch or PlayStation to it being genuinely likely that their newest game is coming to ps5/switch 2

  • Elden Ring Erdtree Edition as a launch title

  • bejewelry

    Starfield with dlc day 1

    Skyrim re-release for the 15th time

  • I got Mario All Stars for the Switch. Playing through Mario Sunshine and the unique charming vibes make up for how annoying some of the gameplay is.

  • AKA SB
    · edited

    Imma need these lads to make a comeback

  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    If its a trailer like switch 1's reveal, i wonder what games footage theyll choose to show. They wont show games they havent announced yet of course, so maybe we'll get sneak peeks at some 3rd party ports (elden ring, bg3 and gta 5/rdr2 would be very hype tbh) and some switch 1 games with better performance. If mp4 is shown next week, that too maybe!

  • Stardust

    If its a trailer like switch 1's reveal, i wonder what games footage theyll choose to show. They wont show games they havent announced yet of course, so maybe we'll get sneak peeks at some 3rd party ports (elden ring, bg3 and gta 5/rdr2 would be very hype tbh) and some switch 1 games with better performance. If mp4 is shown next week, that too maybe!

    No wait they showed Mario odyssey in the october 2016 trailer wtf
    How do i not remember this

  • Himothee

    Same leaker said last year that 3D Mario would be there launch day. We’re back

    Would be a day one cop

  • bejewelry

    Ok but what games though


  • Feb 8
    1 reply

    Nintendo better not be b****es and make sure its backward compatible with switch games tho.

  • Feb 8

    Need Mario Odyssey 2 and an actual good looking Pokémon game

  • Feb 9
    1 reply

    Nintendo better not be b****es and make sure its backward compatible with switch games tho.

    it’s definitely coming the only question is how will they figure out a way to charge us for it.

    could see them charging a small amount individually or maybe you need nso+expansion pass or something like that in order to get new switch 2 updates for most of your library like botw, totk, animal crossing, mk8, etc.

  • AKA SB
    · edited

    Imma need these lads to make a comeback

    please nintendo make a better game than starfox command or zero.

  • Feb 9

    need a new smash PLEASE

  • bring back tomodachi life u cowards

  • maxxing

    it’s definitely coming the only question is how will they figure out a way to charge us for it.

    could see them charging a small amount individually or maybe you need nso+expansion pass or something like that in order to get new switch 2 updates for most of your library like botw, totk, animal crossing, mk8, etc.

    Nintendo has done backwards compatibility for longer than both sony and Microsoft without charging anything or other gimmicks (aside from being somewhat tedious in the Wii U). They intentionally made their consoles less powerful to have backwards compatibility (see Wii for GameCube games and Wii U for wii games) and all their handhelds had backwards compatibility. The switch was just too different hardware from the Wii U to have it, its an isolated case, not the norm. I dont know why people have selective memory on this stuff. If anything, Nintendo should be the most trustworthy out of the 3, since we all know where Xbox is going, and Sony doesnt have the track record Nintendo has with BC.
    And since they have repeatedly mentioned they plan on keeping the Nintendo accounts for the foreseeable future, digital purchases are safe too

  • I doubt theyll have perfomance updates for many games tho, im guessing only those they want to use as showcase titles for the new hardware will. Zelda botw and totk, Mario odyssey, games like these. Not Mario kart for example, since theyll release a new one regardless, and that game runs well enough already

  • I wish Nintendo would drop hardware with current specs and consesuently a third party offering of games. They could humble Sony and Microsoft already took care of theirselves..

  • Can't wait to play Fortnite on my Switch 2