KRIT premier and snoop on the same track I would love to know the dirt Russ has on the industry
You gotta respect RUSS dawg niggas tried to play him he had to start punching MFS to get here
The first Chomp EP was actually nice. I hate Russ but I ain’t a blind hater. S*** was dope
The first Chomp EP was actually nice. I hate Russ but I ain’t a blind hater. S*** was dope
this song was hard, had alchemist production too
damn why didn't he put the Chris Brown collab on it. There was a snippet some months ago and it sounds smooth af
KRIT premier and snoop on the same track I would love to know the dirt Russ has on the industry
It's called money
Snoop and Premier will work with anyone who pays them
The first Chomp EP was actually nice. I hate Russ but I ain’t a blind hater. S*** was dope
this was cold ngl
Russless version gonna be classic
I admire his effort to gain credibility within the rap community with these projects. I’ll be listening although my hopes are low
this song was hard, had alchemist production too
! like the hardest Busta verse in forever wtf lmao
CyHi and Russ is one of the worst collabs from the same-ish genre on paper i can think of
Okay, this is going to be insane. I LOVED the first Chomp. It defined my second year of graduate school.
I’ve always thought it’s weird how huge this guy actually is when no one ever talks about him and he seems so disconnected from the rest of hip hop besides his ability to get insane features, it’s like he lives in a bubble