Dracula and Mummy have aged no cap but Frankenstein, Wolfman and Invisible man are legit 10/10 movies to this day
Well, I clearly didn’t expect that. Cianfrance has always maintained naturalistic aesthetics so it’ll be fun to see how he’ll adapt his style.
For a moment I thought they were the same person.
Me too lol I was like this is some interesting method acting
Me too lol I was like this is some interesting method acting
It's worse cause I scrolled up to it.
Dracula and Mummy have aged no cap but Frankenstein, Wolfman and Invisible man are legit 10/10 movies to this day
nah all these folk monster movies have aged like wine
if james bond can get 1000 movies then they can do the same but better
classic incoming, Place Beyond the Pines one of my favourite movies
Top 10 easy for me
classic incoming, Place Beyond the Pines one of my favourite movies
First half is legendary the rest eh
I don’t like the new title @op I preferred “Ryan Gosling is THE WOLFMAN”
I don’t like the new title @op I preferred “Ryan Gosling is THE WOLFMAN”
So do I lowkey. May change back
those two always work well together
the movie might be hard if they ever give it a similar tone to the 1998 blade
If Place Beyond The Pines was like 2/3’s Luke instead & the rest condensed into like 30 min …it probably would have been gosilings definitive role
If Place Beyond The Pines was like 2/3’s Luke instead & the rest condensed into like 30 min …it probably would have been gosilings definitive role
If Place Beyond The Pines was like 2/3’s Luke instead & the rest condensed into like 30 min …it probably would have been gosilings definitive role
I kinda like how they killed him early tho. Was a twist for sure
I kinda like how they killed him early tho. Was a twist for sure
I respect the balls it took to make that decision yeah
I respect the balls it took to make that decision yeah
Did he die at the halfway mark or sooner?
But besides the shock of it all we all know the movie would be a perfect 10/10 if it was only about Ryan’s character with Brad intertwined.