then makes someone who was a troll on ktt a mod
same mod who was locking up every thread especially ones about race and muting people for no reason
they demoted his head ass and then he made a thread about me crying like a f*** then they made him mod again
asked who muted me and why which was like 2 weeks ago and the same idiot couldn’t even reply until i realised and named him ofc they locked the thread
i’m apparently the negative one but it’s okay to harass me around the site of course the people harassing don’t get muted tho hate to see it
i’m complaining about something pointless but f*** it can’t even make a thread in the help section lel
why kelye so mad
most mods aren’t complete s***heads though maybe 3 or 4
Keyle u better pop off! Let the patriarchy know!
why’re you being like this
suck my curvy d*** u lame loser
compare ur life to mine
then we’ll know who’s a “lame loser”
compare ur life to mine
then we’ll know who’s a “lame loser”
u crying about gettin mut3d in a forum
u crying about gettin mut3d in a forum
yes...because i use the forum
im glad that’s one of my only real problems in life
well almost everyone
Funny, we were just talking about you and I didn’t remember you at all. But this limp wrist post brought everything back. I hope you drink bleach.
Funny, we were just talking about you and I didn’t remember you at all. But this limp wrist post brought everything back. I hope you drink bleach.
Randoms talking about me
hoping suicide
tf happened to you
yes...because i use the forum
im glad that’s one of my only real problems in life
why everyone itt so mad
I cant let this continue any longer. My conscience wont allow it.
Ktt2 premium comes with a Mute Kelye button bruh
It could be any of us
They might not even use their name emoji