I'm Toucan Sam to these b****es tryin' to stay out the loop.
Another amazing song
I’ma ball till I’m old ima be uncle june
she in the haunted house suckin on ghost d***, that’s very odd
This is a need
I’ma ball till I’m old ima be uncle june
Realized he's saying Uncle Drew and was really sad. I thought it was Uncle Jun too, I just finished Sopranos recently and was hype
Realized he's saying Uncle Drew and was really sad. I thought it was Uncle Jun too, I just finished Sopranos recently and was hype
this makes way more sense, couldn’t find the lyrics this morning..I like uncle June better though
this makes way more sense, couldn’t find the lyrics this morning..I like uncle June better though
Same lol it's Uncle Jun in my heart
she in the haunted house suckin on ghost d***, that’s very odd
Can’t stop playing this
she in the haunted house suckin on ghost d***, that’s very odd
she in the haunted house suckin on ghost d*** 🧐
That’s very odd
He's back.
He's back.
Oh damn he must've forgot to reactivate his twitter and lost the @
Happy birthday, SahBabii!
i cant stop listenin to traction
.... wHATTTT?