where is SAH
hopefully new album before the end of the year🤞its crazy how he just keeps getting better
where is SAH
this from like a week ago
Love Sahbabii but these snippets ain’t it. He sounds like he’s regressing in ability.
sounds hard
Love Sahbabii but these snippets ain’t it. He sounds like he’s regressing in ability.
his parts are like 3 secs long how can u even deduct that
Love Sahbabii but these snippets ain’t it. He sounds like he’s regressing in ability.
It's typical sahbabii and we don't even know if the songs will come out or if it'll be on a hardrock project
Where is the very odd snippet
Love Sahbabii but these snippets ain’t it. He sounds like he’s regressing in ability.
standard sah…you’re confusing him with the other kid maybe
@op update op lol
update what about it
has he even dropped recently i haven’t really been paying attention to him recently
update what about it
has he even dropped recently i haven’t really been paying attention to him recently
just take off the lost all my feelings (tonight) part
What happened to jansport? is that s*** ever coming back or what
hardrock prolly couldnt clear it or something