Sahbabii was blackballed. Forget by who and why tho
Bro when Gunna got so big years after Sahbabii's classic tape it was so frustrating bc he's literally a monotone and less funny Sahbabii. But Sah should shoot more videos.
Anyway the blackball thing shows how important getting cosigns and dRiding other ATL rappers is. Same with Quan and didnt hear from either much
Random thought have Thug and Sahbabii ever interacted? Weird how he embraced all his worse clones
18 songs, 48 minutes sounds perfect
too good to be true man we’re really getting another classic i’m afraid
tracklist looking so good too
1095 osborne already a generational classic idc
viking, belt boys
damn wolverine just dont exist anymore
I mean I was under the impression that Wolverine would be his final album, so when we see Wolverine drop, that’s it for sahbabii. I’m pretty sure it’s still coming
I’m about to run back his last two album to see if they grew on me. I’m onna them who think squidtastic is his best album
Tho barnacles makes a good case
but nah based on the cover (unless it’s a placeholder which i kinda doubt) and the album name this feels like it definitely might be his most mature (lol) and personal album yet
surely we’re not getting deprived of what makes sah truly himself on this and i bet we get a lot of funny and freaky ass lines but i do feel like he’s gonna have some s*** to address on this as well and that he’s gonna surely have a lot to say just based on how locked in he was for this
hopefully we get a perfect mix of both, that’s how i feel
Sahbabii was blackballed. Forget by who and why tho
offset beefing over crosses
I’m about to run back his last two album to see if they grew on me. I’m onna them who think squidtastic is his best album
Tho barnacles makes a good case
squidtastic def my favorite of his too anime world is just perfection
Holy f***.
Sahbabii was blackballed. Forget by who and why tho
Think Migos/quavo crossed him out real quick kinda early in his career. It's the reason for most of his "staying out of the light" s***, otherwise he'd be big as f*** honestly
Think it was a mix of the upside down cross s*** and some light street s***/beef too
that announcement took me by surprise last night
i woke up to this news havin the best day rn
put a smile on my face
B****, put the d*** in your mouth, it's nut time!