  • Dec 30, 2023

    Hot trash but can’t complain if it’s free

  • Dec 31, 2023

    Downloaded this off PS+ and didn’t get very far before uninstalling. Really embarrassing game idk if it has a redeeming quality

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    this is so bad

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    i won't take this s*** even for free

  • Dec 31, 2023

    Only free on epic?

  • Dec 31, 2023

    I’d play for free if it comes to gamepass tbh

  • Dec 31, 2023

    this is so bad


  • Dec 31, 2023

    I respect setting the current gen modern sandbox bar that low though . Yakuza will be fun

  • Dec 31, 2023
    4 replies
    Trash Star

    i won't take this s*** even for free

    This. People need to realize our time on this Earth is limited, you're still paying with your time even if the game is free

    I got Far Cry 5 for a steal, still felt f***ing ripped off and I'd feel that way even if it was free

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This. People need to realize our time on this Earth is limited, you're still paying with your time even if the game is free

    I got Far Cry 5 for a steal, still felt f***ing ripped off and I'd feel that way even if it was free

    Yeah, but you also could be wasting your limited time on some bullshit

  • Dec 31, 2023
    Not Like Josuke

    Yeah, but you also could be wasting your limited time on some bullshit

    I get it because I've been there before due to sunk cost fallacy. But now that I'm older, f*** that Bought Jedi Fallen Order and just stopped playing it like 5 hours in because of the awful map/exploration and gameplay felt sluggish. No point in wasting my time on games like that when I still need to play Sekiro, Divinity OS2, MGS 5 etc

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This. People need to realize our time on this Earth is limited, you're still paying with your time even if the game is free

    I got Far Cry 5 for a steal, still felt f***ing ripped off and I'd feel that way even if it was free

    Surprised to hear such a negative take on FC5, I thought a lot of people liked that game

    Need a proper remake or remaster of FC2 with QoL improvements though

    One of the best atmospheres in gaming ever

  • Dec 31, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    This. People need to realize our time on this Earth is limited, you're still paying with your time even if the game is free

    I got Far Cry 5 for a steal, still felt f***ing ripped off and I'd feel that way even if it was free

    fr it's not even one of those funny bad games. it's just a depressing failure on all fronts

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply
    BlueChew Sean

    This. People need to realize our time on this Earth is limited, you're still paying with your time even if the game is free

    I got Far Cry 5 for a steal, still felt f***ing ripped off and I'd feel that way even if it was free

    hey man i hate ubisoft just as much as the next person but far cry 5 with my friend was some of the most fun i’ve had gaming in awhile

  • Dec 31, 2023

    I actually thought most people didn’t like 4 or 6 as lower points in the series

    I haven’t played 5 or 6 and I haven’t played 4 in years

  • Dec 31, 2023

    I remember when the b***ies came on screen in FC3 in that one sequence with the tribe and I turned off the TV

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Surprised to hear such a negative take on FC5, I thought a lot of people liked that game

    Need a proper remake or remaster of FC2 with QoL improvements though

    One of the best atmospheres in gaming ever

    Surprised me too because from what I understood, people were saying it was a return to form for the series. But that s*** is probably the laziest AAA game I've ever played

    They don't even bother trying to hide the checklist structure of their sandbox games in that one, they put you in the open world and literally give you a list of repetitive chores to do in each region before the story advances. Every NPC feels like a typical Trump supporter redneck and the AI is f***ing awful. The villain is so disconnected from you, you encounter him like 3 or 4 times and every cutscene, it's like he has this weird sexual energy with your character Random "twist" ending too that had no impact because I felt no attachment to the world or any of the characters in it

    I'd honestly give that game like 4/10 if I was a reviewer

    FC2 was good, modern games need to adopt the technology they used for fires in that. But FC3 by far the peak of the series imo Just felt great to play, memorable missions, compelling villain (for the first part of the game)

  • Dec 31, 2023
    BlueChew Sean
    · edited

    Surprised me too because from what I understood, people were saying it was a return to form for the series. But that s*** is probably the laziest AAA game I've ever played

    They don't even bother trying to hide the checklist structure of their sandbox games in that one, they put you in the open world and literally give you a list of repetitive chores to do in each region before the story advances. Every NPC feels like a typical Trump supporter redneck and the AI is f***ing awful. The villain is so disconnected from you, you encounter him like 3 or 4 times and every cutscene, it's like he has this weird sexual energy with your character Random "twist" ending too that had no impact because I felt no attachment to the world or any of the characters in it

    I'd honestly give that game like 4/10 if I was a reviewer

    FC2 was good, modern games need to adopt the technology they used for fires in that. But FC3 by far the peak of the series imo Just felt great to play, memorable missions, compelling villain (for the first part of the game)

    Sounds like classic Ubisoft after the 7th gen IMO

    Games that are miles wide but an inch deep

    I’ll take it with that in mind

  • Dec 31, 2023
    2 replies

    hey man i hate ubisoft just as much as the next person but far cry 5 with my friend was some of the most fun i’ve had gaming in awhile

    I've heard the Co-op experience elevates the game. Imagine instead of your friend, it was one of those brain dead NPCs accompanying you That is what I was dealing with. Mfs driving us off cliffs, spouting unfunny dialogue written by a European who thinks that's what all Americans are like

  • Dec 31, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    I've heard the Co-op experience elevates the game. Imagine instead of your friend, it was one of those brain dead NPCs accompanying you That is what I was dealing with. Mfs driving us off cliffs, spouting unfunny dialogue written by a European who thinks that's what all Americans are like

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Downloaded it to the ally

    It can’t be that bad right lol

    Runs great but trust me, and everyone else when they say it’s bad

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Runs like garbage on the steam deck, my fps counter in heroic is glitched but it feels like it’s running sub 30fps 90% of the time. I have everything set to low with fsr set to performance.

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Runs like garbage on the steam deck, my fps counter in heroic is glitched but it feels like it’s running sub 30fps 90% of the time. I have everything set to low with fsr set to performance.

    man i wish i knew what was wrong with heroic on my deck

    i cant play any game no matter what i do

  • Scatt

    man i wish i knew what was wrong with heroic on my deck

    i cant play any game no matter what i do

    Not exactly the same issue but when I first downloaded Heroic my games all ran way worse than they were supposed to, like only getting 5 fps in games that should be easy to run, I ended up having to re-image my deck. You may want to check into that, but depending on how much custom stuff you’ve done to yours it can really be a pain to reinstall everything.

  • Jan 2, 2024

    Runs great but trust me, and everyone else when they say it’s bad

    It does run really well lol. I actually enjoyed the first mission quite a lot