  • Aug 26, 2021

    I read some of the gene park tweets about the game. definitely sounds better, i'll keep an open mind about future info but the trailer was weak, man

  • Man how the F*** was I like 5 hours late seeing this. I cant even describe how excited I am for this man. I knew when I saw the logo that it wasnt going to just be a port of the original game and that it would be a remake/reboot prequel, whatever from the ground up.

    The thing I'm excited about the most is that it seems like its going back to its roots a bit by being more grounded like the amazing first and second games. Imo the 3rd game on is when it started getting weird with all the alien stuff and super over the top s*** so I didnt play those. They did it right with the first 2 games. Just be a gta clone for the most part and make it good while adding your own spin to it. There were a lot of cool things that made the first 2 games good. That's all the people want. Best news of the day for me. Too bad it's still kinda far away but still excited nonetheless. Since we ain't never getting gta vi ( in fact they got the balls to give us Gta V AGAIN) This will hopefully be a nice alternative.

  • Aug 26, 2021

    kinda looks bad ngl

  • Lol in my excitement in seeing the post of a new SR game and trailer, I admit I jumped the gun a bit before really watching it completely. Have to say I'm not as excited now because it actually doesn't look like it's going back to its roots much. Looks like fortnite cash grab like everything else. Pity. Plus reading all the disappointed people
    in the comments on here and especially a ton on YouTube kinda made me realize this dont look that good. Will however reserve final judgment at least until more info and some actual gameplay is shown.

    I don't get why these developers don't just do more of what made their original games great and less of what didnt make them great. Seems like a simple concept. Anyway, I'm holding out hope that while it may look like Forrnite visually and still overthetop maybe a bit of the original games charm and grittiness makes it's way into this new game.

  • Aug 26, 2021

    looks tacky

  • Aug 26, 2021

    If the Saints Row name wasn't attached to the trailer I wouldn't have known it was Saints Row at all. Terrible.

  • Aug 26, 2021

    They gotta strip it back again

    Saints Row 1 and 2 were some of the best games ever

  • Aug 26, 2021

    Oh my god out at this trailer

    These niggas are f***ing stupid, ruined a potentially amazing series

  • Aug 26, 2021
    2 replies

    bro WHAT THE F*** is this

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply
    aaron xx

    bro WHAT THE F*** is this

    Some bullshit lol

  • Aug 26, 2021
    mr get dough

    Some bullshit lol

    it deadset looks like fortnite

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply
  • Aug 26, 2021

    Un announce this

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply


  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply



  • Aug 26, 2021

    this is f***in embarrasing

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply

  • Aug 26, 2021
    2 replies

    oh my god such a baby

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    oh my god such a baby

    I don't get the people blaming it on twitter wokeness or something because that has nothing to do with this.

    Yeah, the malding is kinda funny but I sympathize with it somewhat, the game isn't Saints Row

    SR3 was more of a Saint's Row game than this, this just looks like a fortnite dlc

  • I like this. It's something different and more of a criminal organization. Setting looks cool and so do the body types. Just gotta see Gameplay trailer

  • necromancer
    · edited

    I don't get the people blaming it on twitter wokeness or something because that has nothing to do with this.

    Yeah, the malding is kinda funny but I sympathize with it somewhat, the game isn't Saints Row

    SR3 was more of a Saint's Row game than this, this just looks like a fortnite dlc

    I dont see the fortnight thing tbh I see updated still cartoony graphics like the past 2-3 SR games (post SR2).

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply

    "What do you get when you take a gender studies major graduate who works for Twitter and spends most of their time in a Starbucks ordering soy lattes and banning free thinkers while thinking they're gansta? You get Saints Row Reboot. WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?"

    • Darkening Demise (loverslab a s***mod forum)
  • JT is Electric

    "What do you get when you take a gender studies major graduate who works for Twitter and spends most of their time in a Starbucks ordering soy lattes and banning free thinkers while thinking they're gansta? You get Saints Row Reboot. WHAT THE F*** IS THIS?"

    • Darkening Demise (loverslab a s***mod forum)

    banning free thinkers while thinking they're gangsta

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    oh my god such a baby

    Goes on to post 6 times in a row.

    game looks ass bro. If i wanted to play watch dogs id play that s***. I wanted some real gang s*** not this

  • Aug 26, 2021
    1 reply

    ah, another short haired dyke with an assault rifle. so sick of this s*** lol
