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“Xompulse comprises fragments of aural and visual memories and assimilates these in a series of memory-based songs or dreams. The album can essentially be described as a nostalgic dreamscape with the songs representing different memories. I wanted to make an album free from genre constraints, fusing together different elements of ambient, classical and electronic hip-hop.“
Hold up how did I miss this
My bad bro, I should have tagged you, just slipped my mind. Great album though, hope you enjoy.
My bad bro, I should have tagged you, just slipped my mind. Great album though, hope you enjoy.
You good
Excited to listen, thank you for putting us on again
Production is crazy
Bro this is nuts. Gives me Crater Speak vibes. Incredible s*** man appreciate it
Bro this is nuts. Gives me Crater Speak vibes. Incredible s*** man appreciate it
Always a pleasure putting you on
Could well be my aoty so far
New album out now and it's gorgeous and surprising and inspiring. Grab your best headphones, lay back and let it all drift by
New album out now and it's gorgeous and surprising and inspiring. Grab your best headphones, lay back and let it all drift by
! @insertcoolnamehere
Oh s*** I'm in. Appreciate the tag bruv