
    What this mean even

  • Aug 12, 2022
    jordan at wizards

    they saying rushdie vs jk rowling is the new messi v ronaldo

  • John Mauve

    oh you aint comparing rushdie to JK Midling!

    facts !!!!

  • yb better

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Man this is f***ed

  • Aug 12, 2022

    What did he do

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    His Wiki crazy. Some bum blew himself up trynna get at him. Imagine being that pressed over a book 😂

  • 1887

    His Wiki crazy. Some bum blew himself up trynna get at him. Imagine being that pressed over a book 😂

    The way you phrased this is killing me

  • kainie 🌌
    Aug 12, 2022

    why y’all so disrespectful just don’t post

  • Aug 12, 2022

    ppl gone mad man

    hope he is stable and heals from this

    This is nothing new

    There have been bombings and attempted assassinations dealing with his controversies since the late 80’s

  • SIGH

    haha I didn’t know he had that many I was talking about Padma

    he pulled that??? wait for me mr rushdeath i’m about to write a sequel

  • Aug 12, 2022
    3 replies

    Salafi extremism is a disease for world peace. If you teach your kids to be a slave to some high power and must protect that higher power at any means then your kid going to grow up as the biggest a****** to society with no awareness to human life or any social skills. This is a purposefully brainwashing created by a toxic generation to make you mentally ill.

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    He rushing to die

  • Aug 12, 2022
    2 replies

    reading the wiki on this is insane lol 3mil bounty on his head, lot of his associates stabbed/killed and apparently the book is outright banned in pakistan and india

    has anyone read it and has insight into what made it so controversial ?

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Book writers getting packed, what a time...

  • Aug 12, 2022

    reading the wiki on this is insane lol 3mil bounty on his head, lot of his associates stabbed/killed and apparently the book is outright banned in pakistan and india

    has anyone read it and has insight into what made it so controversial ?

    Literature industry is grimy as f*** hot damn

  • Aug 12, 2022
    Clippin Jimmy

    He rushing to die

    This ain't that

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Damn that’s wild. I actually just added Midnights Children to my goodreads like yesterday

  • Aug 12, 2022
    3 replies

    reading the wiki on this is insane lol 3mil bounty on his head, lot of his associates stabbed/killed and apparently the book is outright banned in pakistan and india

    has anyone read it and has insight into what made it so controversial ?

    The novel in question is called The Satanic Verses.

    Context is: The Prophet Muhammad went around Mecca at the time spreading the verse of the new religion (Islam) in the stead of the current idolatry worshipping.

    Controversy: it relates to an excerpt from Rushdie’s novel which retells of a time where the Prophet Muhammad believes he is told by the angel Gabriel that it is okay for people to worship Islam and the idolatry that is happening when in actual fact it is the Devil telling him these things — hence Satanic Verses.

    This story is apocryphal — Muslim scholars deny this ever happening — so it is essence considered blasphemous. The novel is also alleged to paint the Prophet Muhammad in a bad light, which further stokes controversy in the Muslim world.

    At the time, many Muslim scholars and politicians alike requested Rushdie to renounce the novel but he never did. He basically gave a “sorry not sorry” apology and kind of moved on. However, the book was banned in both India and Pakistan for those reasons above.

    It’s a classic case of “we should have freedom of speech don’t bow to violence” vs “we should not be actively offending people to cause problems”

  • Aug 12, 2022
    2 replies

    Fox News really mentioned on air that dude had a $3mil bounty on his head…. That’s just irresponsible

  • Aug 12, 2022

    The novel in question is called The Satanic Verses.

    Context is: The Prophet Muhammad went around Mecca at the time spreading the verse of the new religion (Islam) in the stead of the current idolatry worshipping.

    Controversy: it relates to an excerpt from Rushdie’s novel which retells of a time where the Prophet Muhammad believes he is told by the angel Gabriel that it is okay for people to worship Islam and the idolatry that is happening when in actual fact it is the Devil telling him these things — hence Satanic Verses.

    This story is apocryphal — Muslim scholars deny this ever happening — so it is essence considered blasphemous. The novel is also alleged to paint the Prophet Muhammad in a bad light, which further stokes controversy in the Muslim world.

    At the time, many Muslim scholars and politicians alike requested Rushdie to renounce the novel but he never did. He basically gave a “sorry not sorry” apology and kind of moved on. However, the book was banned in both India and Pakistan for those reasons above.

    It’s a classic case of “we should have freedom of speech don’t bow to violence” vs “we should not be actively offending people to cause problems”

    pretty dumb IMO because it seems like he was just creatively interpreting things for a story rather than purely trying to offend people i.e. Charlie hebdo

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Chinged and splashed

  • Aug 12, 2022

    The novel in question is called The Satanic Verses.

    Context is: The Prophet Muhammad went around Mecca at the time spreading the verse of the new religion (Islam) in the stead of the current idolatry worshipping.

    Controversy: it relates to an excerpt from Rushdie’s novel which retells of a time where the Prophet Muhammad believes he is told by the angel Gabriel that it is okay for people to worship Islam and the idolatry that is happening when in actual fact it is the Devil telling him these things — hence Satanic Verses.

    This story is apocryphal — Muslim scholars deny this ever happening — so it is essence considered blasphemous. The novel is also alleged to paint the Prophet Muhammad in a bad light, which further stokes controversy in the Muslim world.

    At the time, many Muslim scholars and politicians alike requested Rushdie to renounce the novel but he never did. He basically gave a “sorry not sorry” apology and kind of moved on. However, the book was banned in both India and Pakistan for those reasons above.

    It’s a classic case of “we should have freedom of speech don’t bow to violence” vs “we should not be actively offending people to cause problems”

    They really wanna kill him over a fantasy novel huh

    Get a life extremists

  • Aug 13, 2022

    Fox News really mentioned on air that dude had a $3mil bounty on his head…. That’s just irresponsible

    Fox News always knows what they’re doing.

  • Aug 13, 2022
    1 reply

    Fox News really mentioned on air that dude had a $3mil bounty on his head…. That’s just irresponsible

    F*** Faux News, but I'm watching a local CBS broadcast and they mentioned that the Iran dude had a bounty on him. Seems like something to mention about him