what does gretel mean or is it about?
what does gretel mean or is it about?
think it’s just about overcoming addiction
“it’s calling me back, House of Sugar” SugarHouse is a casino
think it’s just about overcoming addiction
“it’s calling me back, House of Sugar” SugarHouse is a casino
so i geniused it and it states that its about hansel and gretel and her dead brother some trippy s***
so i geniused it and it states that its about hansel and gretel and her dead brother some trippy s***
could definitely be, think a lot of his songs are open ended and revolve around a character of some sort (sarah, marry, bobby, harvey, gretel etc)
i just know he references that casino a lot on the album and sugar could be interpreted as d****. amazing song either way
bruh i been listening to gretel all day
real hope is my favorite from that album rn
Im in my bed about to sleep finna play dis s*** on my cellphone speakers one more time b4 i sleep