Idk who these people are but she better have been an extremely trash person for you to hit her with a
Satans archangel Diamond AKA from Diamond and Silk AKA D-Izzy from the S-Izzy
Satans archangel Diamond AKA from Diamond and Silk AKA D-Izzy from the S-Izzy
I see
Idk who these people are but she better have been an extremely trash person for you to hit her with a
Idk who these people are but she better have been an extremely trash person for you to hit her with a
shes just a Trump supporter
Get the jokes off I guess but something seriously wrong with some of y’all niggas
Rest in peace. Was it covid?
Yes. She pushed so much anti vaccine propaganda
crine at title
Get the jokes off I guess but something seriously wrong with some of y’all niggas
I know its probably a joke but celebrating someones death is sad
i thought the same then i stopped being some crybaby about it
let people hate
let em cook
Trump used to tweet at them, Fox and other conservative media had them on a bunch on some “see we got a Black” type s***. Did the whole “my body my choice” thing over the vaxx
Died of covid. Add em to the list