  • Feb 17

    She’s so hot

  • Feb 17
    2 replies

    Didn’t Kanye do the 40th anniversary

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    Didn’t Kanye do the 40th anniversary

    oh how things change
    loved the minimalism of the stage design for that one
    He came off pretty bad in the 50th retrospective

  • my favorite SNL bit, i hope this is acceptable

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    oh how things change
    loved the minimalism of the stage design for that one
    He came off pretty bad in the 50th retrospective

    He did wolves and only 1 right?

  • Valenciaisthebest

    He did wolves and only 1 right?

    yup and he had a hoarse voice

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    actually my fav SNL bit is Andy Kaufman doing Mighty Mouse. Wow, without Kaufman and Carlin that first episode of the show is not funny at all

  • Jonboi

    actually my fav SNL bit is Andy Kaufman doing Mighty Mouse. Wow, without Kaufman and Carlin that first episode of the show is not funny at all

    Your favorite ever?

  • Valenciaisthebest

    Didn’t Kanye do the 40th anniversary

    Yeah they made a joke about it

  • Bill Murray just crushed that.

  • Feb 17

    The best part of this was seeing Sabrina carpenter on screen for like 10 mins.

  • nicholson the 🐐

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    The fact Wayne is doing a greatest hits performance on SNL the week after the Super Bowl doesn't feel like a coincidence

  • Feb 17

    The fact Wayne is doing a greatest hits performance on SNL the week after the Super Bowl doesn't feel like a coincidence

    I was just saying the same s***. He’s showing out like “see I could do that s*** easy”

  • Feb 17

    I mean it’s a known fact but Wayne has so many f***ing hits man. Spanning almost 3 decades at this point

  • It’s the Monday after Super Bowl. 50 million white people say Lil Wayne’s performance sucked and rap isn’t even music. I think Wayne dodged a bullet

  • That was great but let’s not let the narrative of him being better than Kendrick start please.

  • Feb 17
    1 reply

    That was impressive by Wayne tbh

  • Valenciaisthebest

    That was impressive by Wayne tbh

    It was good compared to other clips I’ve seen of him live for sure. He killed it

  • I thought that performance was surprisingly great, but I still don't really know if I believe Wayne could carry an entire halftime performance on his own. But I always believed it would be Young Money with Drake and Nicki there as well anyways

  • The goat Jack Nicholson back baby

  • It’s because the perverse nature of our current predicament is an “emperor has no clothes” moment for the superstructural ‘culture’ of capitalism, there is nothing that could possibly parody such a demonic absence of compassion, a delight in violence and powerful murder, that our current epoch represents. Marquis De Sade is president of the United States, he reads not novels but watches Bloodsport, he does not feast on duck but on McDonald’s.