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  • Apr 19, 2020
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    I would with someone actively smoking crack sooner than I would shooting heroin. Junkies are so f***ing annoying

    Fun fact it's probably easier to be around a crack head with no pipe than a heroin addict with no veins.
    guaranteed you going for that neck

  • Apr 19, 2020

    Fun fact it's probably easier to be around a crack head with no pipe than a heroin addict with no veins.
    guaranteed you going for that neck

    Oh absolutely, I’ve been setting up a spot right by the hudson river near a public park junkie enclave and it’s like f***ing Heaven Knows What, these arguments these motherfuckers are having!!

  • Apr 19, 2020
    1 reply

    We all rocked with mac miller and he literally talked about smoking crack on a song

    I didn’t know that. What song

  • Apr 19, 2020

    Yea lol why wouldn’t you

  • Apr 19, 2020
    1 reply

    I didn’t know that. What song

    “My grandma’ll probably smack me for the d**** I got, Im a crackhead but I bought her diamonds, we love rocks” from friends

  • Apr 19, 2020

    Of course the music would be f***ing legendary

  • Purrp 🌚
    Apr 19, 2020

    “My grandma’ll probably smack me for the d**** I got, Im a crackhead but I bought her diamonds, we love rocks” from friends

    He’s definitely talking about coke lmao crack is cocaine

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