I wouldn’t do this with a fish sandwich but to be honest ice cream on a hamburger might be alright.
i already feel uncomfortable drinking a milkshake and eating a burger
you a whole different beast
Yo why are dudes so infactuated with women farts and s***
imagine not being infatuated with every part of a woman... from the hairs on her head to the s*** in her toilet
If you can take more than 2 bites of what is either a cold cooked burger patty with ice cream or a hot sloppy milkburger then you’re a monster to me
Not a huge amount but if you drop a little on the patty, mash it with the bun and eat it immediately the hot+cold might buss. Just saying.
weak stomachs itt
Lock this disgusting thread already. Y’all disgusting AF
what you gonna do about it
even if the tweet might be fake the mere thought of it makes my stomach turn
this is an abomination
f*** all of you