  • Dec 23, 2023
    Block Muteson

    They aren't. Read a whole thing about a town in Cambodia that Chinese gangsters had taken over. Immigrant labor get fooled into going and basically imprisoned. They run phones all day trying to catfish American men into sending them crypto.

    China actually cracked down on one of these towns in Myanmar recently

    Yeah these are very rampant all around Asia. From Myanmar they have spread their ties to Thailand and Malaysia so much that they have locals working for them. The job offer scam was a big deal these past years

    Call center scams I think every country does it lol. The famous one like Macau scam well you can guess its origin. Even Japan has set up shop in southeast Asia. India has tiny presence in many Asian countries, there's prob more Nigerian scammers here than from India

  • Dec 23, 2023

    Why are they always from India?

    this is the american dream influence people don’t understand yet

  • Dec 23, 2023

    I always like when the scammers know that the person is on to them and they switch

    “Fook yew motha fuka”

    Gets me every time