you know what, you right
Only cause I been in your position before, there’s no changing his fans gawking
I think I would love it even more than Her Loss. Her Loss went crazy but 21 is a much more simplistic rapper than Cole. I could see Cole and Drake cooking up some crazy ass bar filled tracks
Oh yeah. It would be an instant classic if they did it right which I know they would.
I don't really get it either to be honest, but my younger brother (he's 11 years younger than me) f***s with carti heavily. Maybe its just a generational gap thing.
That’s me with the other Opium guys tbh I don’t get it at all but Ken’s new s*** is cool
2011 Weeknd and 2013 PND are not that different from one another. Abel needed artist development to get to where he is now and he wouldn’t have gotten that signing with OVO. Literally the proof is in the pudding with the rest of the OVO signees. Naomi Sharon even has talent but I DOUBT she’ll find huge success under OVO
When does female rnb sell a lot?
Only cause I been in your position before, there’s no changing his fans gawking
Listen I don’t mind debating music so I don’t mind it. But I see what you’re saying
When does female rnb sell a lot?
Uh.. what? lol do you not know who Mariah Carey is??
Uh.. what? lol do you not know who Mariah Carey is??
We dont live in the 90s when rnb was the biggest genre
Call me when Drake makes an album better than:
Dirty Mind
Self Titled
Off The Wall
If we're being honest none of these are touching Take Care or NWTS
To be fair they're all trying to do different things but being totally honest Drake's music is better. Disagree if you want it's all opinions at the end of the day
Keep in mind I love pretty much all of these too but their songs don't move me like Too Much or Look What You've Done does, Drake just gets more personal and rap is the best genre suited to do that
That’s me with the other Opium guys tbh I don’t get it at all but Ken’s new s*** is cool
Carti on boom bap
SZA and Summer
True forgot about these queens. Im sure naomi is happy with every type of success she can get. She been making music for over a decade in the Netherlands
We dont live in the 90s when rnb was the biggest genre
We have plenty of female R&B acts selling and being superstars with huge fanbases..
"Allow me to put these bums back in their place
To all the niggas who act 12
The fake gangsters with a mac 12
The ones who only hit you up when it's passed 12"
He was letting everybody have it
that lil whisper shotu thing that Drake does is NOT it.
just SHOUT bro
Literally one of my fav things he does. So refreshing
If we're being honest none of these are touching Take Care or NWTS
To be fair they're all trying to do different things but being totally honest Drake's music is better. Disagree if you want it's all opinions at the end of the day
Keep in mind I love pretty much all of these too but their songs don't move me like Too Much or Look What You've Done does, Drake just gets more personal and rap is the best genre suited to do that
Love your honesty, glad you backed it up with truth and how it makes you feel even if I heavily disagree
Beyoncé?? SZA? Summer? Lmfao
Yeah summer and sza
Drakes whisper flow and not finishing lines is so hard to me
That’s me with the other Opium guys tbh I don’t get it at all but Ken’s new s*** is cool
my lil bro is in hs, he’d rather spin a full ken carson, destroy lonely, etc project from front to back than a drake, cole, kenny album lmao
This sounds more like Kanye than The Weeknd but the city thing I guess would make more sense but idk
Whoever he’s talking about is narrowed down to being a Canada native who is expected to be a hometown hero but I’m not sure about Weeknd. Not enough to go on to say it’s him imo
If we're being honest none of these are touching Take Care or NWTS
To be fair they're all trying to do different things but being totally honest Drake's music is better. Disagree if you want it's all opinions at the end of the day
Keep in mind I love pretty much all of these too but their songs don't move me like Too Much or Look What You've Done does, Drake just gets more personal and rap is the best genre suited to do that
If we're being honest none of these are touching Take Care or NWTS
I'm not even going talk about the other albums but Purple Rain isn't touching Take Care or NWTS ?????