Is The Shoe Fits the best storytelling of Drake’s entire career?
Over look what you've done? Nah.
But it is up there.
what did he mean when he said "Radio is King Again Billboard Got Me Regulated"
all i can think is when Jay said "We was praisin' Billboard, but we were young / Now I look at Billboard like, 'Is you dumb?" on God did
Why drizzy kinda sounds like Jack Harlow on The shoe Fits?
Because they used Drake as Jack's template
Young angel on his demon phase
Hard to blame him this game can be depraved
Coke summarising Drake current mind state. They been talking
Because they used Drake as Jack's template
I was thinking maybe it's Drake being influenced by Jack from all the time they spent together
I was thinking maybe it's Drake being influenced by Jack from all the time they spent together
He means shoot with a gun, like spray and pray
Double entendre
“Spray this s*** out”
You not Kobe Bryant to us
You not Kobe Bryant to us
This album was a great capsule and moment for moving past idealized love. From a woman being everything and waiting for the perfect one, the boy realized mistakes, self-love, and self-admiration. It's great to hear that idea expounded upon, he sat there and dug deep into criticisms. It's really beyond Take Care 2 atp, it's a whole new beginning
This album is growth personified
Is “spray this whole s*** up, the crop duster” another Cole fart bar?
You’re not the only one that thought this too. Like “crop dusting” has always been a fart thing to me
You’re not the only one that thought this too. Like “crop dusting” has always been a fart thing to me
Lmao and you can’t put it past Cole to sneak one in
You not Kobe Bryant to us
Is he talking about The Weeknd here? I thought the Kobe line was referring to Ye, but this post makes me think different cuz Ye would definitely have a crowd going wild if he popped out like this too
Is he talking about The Weeknd here? I thought the Kobe line was referring to Ye, but this post makes me think different cuz Ye would definitely have a crowd going wild if he popped out like this too
Yeah he is, performance was in Toronto