Shawn cee s*** be funny then you remember the guy dedicated 3 hours on dissecting drake for hate
Yeah he’s just a hater forreal
He shouldn't be giving that weirdo any publicity.
Shawn Cee’s criticism doesn’t even make sense
Shawn Cee? Really Drake
Don't know why he does this to himself. ShawnCee is a f***ing weirdo who hates on every single thing Drake does.
Shawn Cee’s criticism doesn’t even make sense
you can apply his take to literally every rapper who ever existed
Shawn Cee’s criticism doesn’t even make sense
Acting like Drake hasn't always rapped about random people we don't know in his music.
Shawn Cee’s criticism doesn’t even make sense
Like at all, do rappers only have to rap about s*** that people know about
Smh @ drake giving that hater Shawn Cee shine.
That dude been on Fantano levels of deep senseless hate.
He shouldn't be giving that weirdo any publicity.
I wonder if drake knows how much of a hater he is recently or just seen the clip in isolation.
At least a lot of people seeing how dumb the critique is nigga trippin bc that song is amazing and i’m not even a drake stan, know his personal life like that to appreciate all that s*** he sayin lmaoo honestly just a great song about being young and in ur 20s
At least a lot of people seeing how dumb the critique is somehow more annoying than fantano
I wonder if drake knows how much of a hater he is recently or just seen the clip in isolation.
I bet it's the latter.
He somehow more annoying than fantano
He started out okay but now he's just a hateful weirdo who despises everything he listens to because that's what his audience likes seeing him do.
He started out okay but now he's just a hateful weirdo who despises everything he listens to because that's what his audience likes seeing him do.
I watched him live reacting to scary hours and it didn’t even look like he wanted to enjoy the music. Just waiting for a moment to call a line corny
He started out okay but now he's just a hateful weirdo who despises everything he listens to because that's what his audience likes seeing him do.
Ever since bro got caught up for acting like he knew those DOOM samples he's been miserable
Never really watch review videos but if they say things like what drake posted on insta its kinda funny considering the theme for "Away from home" involved in his personal life so he gonna mention people we never heard of so we don't really need to know who they are not that it take fun out of the song unless you're too involved with drake life and tryna find who they are (good luck with that) The way dude talk i thought dude was kinda joking
Shawn Cee wants Drake to give every person he mentions in his raps a backstory + character arc 😭